Goblins | Teen Ink


February 19, 2015
By Crystal De Paz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Crystal De Paz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom? Can you tell me a scary story?” says little Vanessa as they walk toward the camp fire.
“Are you sure honey? I don’t want you having bad dreams,” says Lacey.
“Yes, I’m sure mom,” says little Vanessa with a smile on her face.
“Okay. Well, sit down with your dad and I’ll start.”
Once upon a time there were was a mom named Annie. She had 2 daughters, the oldest named Analyce, whom was 8, and the youngest being Madeline, whom was 6.
Madeline had long beautiful blonde hair that shined brighter than the reflection of the sun on water, she also had blue eyes which were just like her mother’s.
Analyce on the other hand looked just like her father; she had the darkest of browns for eyes and jet black hair.
It was a Friday and the girls wanted to explore their new home, they had recently moved due to the fact that their parents had gotten a divorce. They had an almost remote home, it was 5 miles from the nearest neighbor and 10 miles from the nearest town.
As the girls decide to go outside and see what they can find they hear a noise and decide to follow it. This particular noise attracted the girls and drew them in like flies to a bug zapper.
When they reached the edge of where the forest met their backyard, they saw a little man, but this was no ordinary little man. His skin was moss green with warts, his hair grey with twigs, and his nails yellow with fungus.
They tried to get closer to see if he was real, but once they did… the little goblin-like thing reached out and marked them both with a crescent moons. They were both marked on their left hand.

All they felt was a burning sensation on their hands. They weren’t bleeding it was more like getting branded. As soon as they looked up to yell at the goblin he was gone, just as if he were never there.
They ran inside to tell their mom but she didn’t believe them. She took them to the doctor so they could some treatment but the doctor found it odd that 2 children would get burned outside by themselves.
As they left the doctor’s office their mom started to question the fact that they were burned but then talked herself out of anything abnormal.
A few weeks after the incident Analyce and Madeline are finally allowed to go outside but only with permission and supervision.
As little Analyce gets tired from all the running she asks for juice and her mom runs in for a few minutes. But as soon as she leaves they hear the same noise they did when they were first marked. Once again they followed it, but this time the noise was farther into the woods. They kept going and going until they got to a river and saw the goblin again. It gestured to them to follow and they did.
“Mommy why don’t just go back and tell their mom?”
“Well honey they can’t think correctly with that noise calling to them.”
They arrived to a small village which was very difficult to find unless you knew where it was. There were many more goblin-like creature there all looking about the same.

Back at the house Annie walks out and immediately starts to yell for her daughters and there is no answer. She panics and searches for hours before she runs in and gets the phone to call the cops.
Almost an hour later the cops arrive too help investigate. Multiple days go by with only one lead. The footprints that led to the forest. They’ve tried to follow them but were led nowhere.
Annie starts to lose hope since it’s almost as if the girls “poofed” into another world.
The girls have tried to escape from the village multiple time but have always failed. They are told they can never leave and the next time they attempt to they will be killed.
The girls have been testing different strategies for almost 5 years that they believe they can escape if they follow the procedures exactly as they have planned.
This is their last chance at freedom. Every mistake counts. They must get through 6 guarded areas then run as quickly and quietly as they can.
As they get to the end of the 6th guarded area Madeline starts to crap up from all the crawling and being quiet. She tries her best to hide the pain but she can’t hold it in anymore.
“Oh my gosh mommy what if the goblins find them?!”
“Oh honey you’ll have to wait to hear what happens.”
She lets out a big yelp and right away a hoard of goblins come out of nowhere and take them to the center of the village.
Once they get there they are immediately thrown into the fire. All you can hear are yells of pain and agony.
It’s been 5 years since the disappearance of Annie’s daughters and she still waits
“So they burned the little girls?”
“Yes honey.”
“Why did they do that?! Huh! Why couldn’t they just let the girls go with their mommy?” Says Vanessa on the brink of tears
“I don’t know honey. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

The author's comments:

I created my own twist on scary stories they tell kids in Mexico.

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