In Between | Teen Ink

In Between

February 17, 2015
By GabeStephens BRONZE, Littleton CO, Colorado
GabeStephens BRONZE, Littleton CO, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Float like a Butterfly!
Sting like a Bee!

As I lay here on this emergency mat I think i am dead. I lay here feeling pain and agony which i know both are things that only the living. Am i dead or am I alive? I guess I could say im somewhere in between. Somewhere no one should be. Im lost in this pointless yet non-dissapointing figure. I am alive while I am dead. I lay and look up and my mind tells me that im wrong, my mind tells me that im loking down on myself as if im looking up at a mirror.I see that I lay on the mat with no heart beat but i feel that im breathing and i can feel that im still hurting from the fall. I dont know why or even how for that matter but I am the mirror. Im lost in between

The author's comments:

I never share my writing but I feel the need to be heard.

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