The Smiling Skipper | Teen Ink

The Smiling Skipper

March 5, 2015
By HuntieBell BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
HuntieBell BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Just imagine the hot sun beating down on us as we lay on the beach while the sound of waves crash in the distance”, I said. “Yeah right”, Bella remarked. “Julia, you know we’re practically going to kill ourselves this summer training for the upcoming marathon.” Thinking to myself I knew Bella would beat me no matter what but I bit my tongue, nodded my head, and smiled as revenge would eventually come.
To being our long summer of training, we decided to race each other one afternoon. We planned to race on two separate trails. They just happened to be the same distance, and both ended right near our neighborhood. Whenever we got done we arranged to meet at our tree house.  Knowing Bella would win, as always, I cheated just as planned. Taking one of the shortcuts on my trail, I skipped home, and arrived at the treehouse within five minutes of starting the “race”.
After about thirty minutes or so Bella was nowhere in sight. Hearing a faint scream in the distance. The sun was starting to set so I began to move a bit faster. Not long after venturing onto the trail Bella took did I find her lucky bracelet and shoes. They both seemed to be dropped in a scuffle of some sort and were covered in droplets of blood. I then spotted shoe prints from someone with a noticeably larger foot. Assuming one set, of the two footprints came from Bella, I followed them.
Off in the distance I could see headlights flicker off and I heard a familiar scream. The scream being one similar to Bella’s. Trying to stay hidden I slowly walked up to a bend in the trail and hid behind a tree. In the distance around the bend I could see a large man beating a girl. She soon fell limp and he threw her in the car. Sensing my presence, he turned around and smiled at me. Receiving a smile back he then climbed into the driver’s seat of the car.
Bella, the girl who had fallen limp slowly sat up and peeked out of the back window. Once she adjusted her eyes and realized it was me, I waved. I then lifted up her shoes, along with her bracelet, and jokingly motioned toward myself.
I could hear the man laugh just before he started the car. Bella screamed and cried as  she was beating on the back window for help. Once the car pulled off down the trail I threw her shoes, bracelet, and all the memories I had of her into the woods. Skipping home, I thought about how I was now the faster runner and just smiled.

The author's comments:

I am not a runner so I ventured out of the area of sports I take part in.  

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