Falls Ridge | Teen Ink

Falls Ridge

February 27, 2015
By C.B.Watts BRONZE, Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina
C.B.Watts BRONZE, Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best time to chase dreams is while the rest of the world sleep."
-Mike Gustafson

“Well go on. What are you waiting for?” I was starting to have second thoughts. Before me was the frozen water fall our neighborhood was named after, Falls Ridge. In the summer, all the neighborhood kids would come here. The air was still cool during the summer months and so was the water but it was the closest thing to warm weather we had up north. But today in the middle of our everlasting artic winter the water was frozen solid. Behind the falls were where my thoughts were though. In the summer the cave was covered by foliage and the parents warned us not to go past the falls into the foliage. Those adults were wary of the rumors the cave held.
Only one boy has ever crossed the foliage into the unknown. Robert  Frank. It was about ten years ago, shortly before my family moved into the house that the Frank’s had once occupied. There have been different versions of what Robert saw in the cave but everyone agrees that once he emerged he was never the same. Some even say that his family moved because of it.
And here I stood before the very cave Robert Frank stood before ten years ago.  Yesterday I got in an argument with one of the neighborhood kids about who was more of a wuss. Unfortunately I won by claiming I could go into the cave and be perfectly calm. I regret saying it because there were witnesses. Now standing on the rocks behind were all the kids of the neighborhood and even some parents. “Come on Mia! Don’t be a wuss.” I glanced behind me trying to spot my accuser but then I realized they were right. If I didn’t follow through with this I would be a wuss. I returned my eyes to the cave, no foliage covered its mouth today so I had a clear view of the pitch-black cavity I was about to walk into. My heart started to pound so hard I could hear its beat in my ears. My hand broke out in a cold sweat and the blood drained from my face. I placed one shaky foot in from of the other and stepped into the cave.

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