The end. | Teen Ink

The end.

March 1, 2015
By Anonymous

I never meant to die like this. People are always boasting about what they're going to accomplish in life, they don't realize how much time they waste. I always thought I would do something extraordinary. Fall in love, explore the world, be filled to the brim with regrets and terribly wonderful memories. I don't know, just something amazing.




I'm alone, and from what I can see, also in the middle of nowhere. I've come to accept the fact that I lost my path quite a long time ago. I run my fingers over my chapped lips, dry from dehydration. My hair is in knots, my clothes shredded to bits. The sky appeared to be on fire, the sun set slowly in the distance.

I glance down at my tattered shirt, a smudged name tag is stuck to it. The tag read's "Lunca", it looks as if someone had written it down in a hurry, or they just had awful handwriting. I slowly peeled it off and grasped it tightly in my hands. "Luna", this name wa familiar to me, it was a far off memory. I could hear a waoman saying it with such love, that my heart lifted.

My body ached, I wanted to know what happened, how I got like this. I stood up unsteadily, and began to stumble torwards the towering buildings looming out of the distance. As I grew closer, I could faintly hear the screaming.

I pressed on, my surroundings slowly transitioning from abandoned corn fields and empty orchards, to vacant houses, the acrid smell of rotting flesh covering everythig like a heavy fog. But, still no sign of people.

Frustrated, I start to walk faster. That's when I hear the screaming again. A shrill, piercing sound that sends chills down my spine. I begin to sprint in the direction that it came from, not even considering why the person is screaming. I round a corner and stop dead in my tracks, in front of me, a horrendous scene unfolds. The wailing woman is surrounded by mutated humans, and they seemed to be attacking her. I dashed over, pushing and shoving my way through the pack of terrifying beasts, until I got to the woman.

I reach out for her, and grab for her arm. She screams, tears pouring down her cheeks, She backs into fence, blood oozing from various parts of her body. I tried to yell, I tried to help her get away. She curled up into a ball, her face pressed into her knees. This lady must be an idiot, I thought, incredibly aggravated.

Suddenly the sound of screeching tires echoes from the next street over, a battered black truck comes out of nowhere. Dodging the horrific people, I jogged torwards the car. A group of four or five men scramble out of the truck, weapons held firm in their hands. I raised my hands to show I meant no harm, and suddenly the metallic taste of blood was in my mouth. As one of the bullets pierced my left eye, ironically, I began to see the world clearly.

I was dead. Had been for a long time. To the normal (alive) people, I looked just like another mindless, flesh-loving, beast. My skin was decaying, my clothes were torn due to bite marks. I had died alone. I remembered now, the woman who was saying "Luna." It was my mother, Luna was my name. As i crumpled to the ground, memories flooded back. The world was in slow-motion. My mom, my family, my friends. They were all gone. In my last momemts of (undead) life, my heart was breaking.

I never got to do anything, I was never given the opprotunity to actually live. Blood seeped out of my mouth, and I began to gasp. This isn't fair, this isn't fair! I didn't do anything to deserve this hell. Bloody tears flooded down my face, my vision blurred until I could see no more. As I took my last, desperate breath, all of my memories, all of my pain, slipped into nothingness.

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