Just Leave it Behind | Teen Ink

Just Leave it Behind

March 3, 2015
By Alex Eastham BRONZE, Modesto, California
Alex Eastham BRONZE, Modesto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Just leave it behind. It's only going to cause more problems for us." Those were the only words I remember.

"Hurry up already," my mom yelled, "Sarah is waiting for your at the door." Sarah had become my best friend when were in first frade. we've lived across the street from each other ever since I moved in when I was six-years-old. We would walk to school every morning and we would hang out every weekend. But lately, she's been acting diffent. I noticed it one day when we were at school eating lunch. She was telling me her dream she had the night before. In the middle of one of her sentences, she stopped and stared at the table. She didn't say anything and she didn't reply for 2 minutes. Yes, I did begin to count after about 30 seconds had gone by. Then, out of nowhere, continued her sentence like nother had happened. I was scared out of my mind.

Two days had passed since the first incident, so I thought I was just a weird, one-time thing. I was wrong. This next time was worse than before. The same thing was happening as before. She was telling me about her dream, when all of a sudden, she stopped an stared again. This time it was for 3 minutes. The thing that was different was that it didn't end there like before. When the silence was broken, she began whispering something to herself that I couldn't make out. What was she saying? Was it a different language? I couldn't tell. I guess I was too freaked out to try to make out what she was telling herself. Out of nowhere, life came back to her eyes and she continued on with the dream. This occurrence occurred once again. After this episode I asked her if she was feeling alright. All I got in return was a simple, "Why wouldn't I be? Are you okay?" I was at a complete loss for words. I decided to let it go. Maybe it  was a phase that she would grow out of sometime soon; sometime anyway.

A few weeks passed. She hadn't had an "episode" for a while, so I assumed that they had passed completely. I was wrong. We were eating lunch at school when she began to tell me about the dream she had the night before. In the middle, she stopped, she stared, she whispered, you know, the regular stuff; except it wasn't quite so regular this time. The next morning I was woken up to a panicking mother, it was mine. I was confused, and didn't know why I was being woken up in such a manor. I was informed that Sarah was missing. I don't know why, but I wasn't surprised. Should I have been? I don't know; I was too tired to really think about it too much.

I was brought over to Sarah's house to talk with her family. Her older brother was pacing with her father in the front room, her mother was crying and rocking her 2-year-old brother in the corner, and her grandma approached me to explain what had happened. She explained how Sarah was telling them about her dream when she stopped in the middle of speaking. I had heard this story before. I let her finish, but she seemed to be just as weird as Sarah had been. It was a more normal weird, but she was still weird. She quickly pulled me to her, put something in my hand, and shoved me out the door before I know what was happening. I could've sworn that everything else stood still during that quick movement.

Of course I was confused out of my mind, so I turned around. When I began to turn, my surrounding began to change. I was now more confused than I had been this whole time. What was happening to the worl around me? Than I remembered that Sarah's grandma had placed some small object in her swiftness. all she had given me was a dog tag with a weird code and two sentences. 07-32-54 "Just leave it behind. It's only going to cause more problems for us."

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