The Heist | Teen Ink

The Heist

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

"Dude! The day has finally arrived!" said Carl
"I know man, I am so ready!" said Greg
"So we have the getaway car and have another getaway vehicle after we ditch the first car." said Carl
"Alright man, are all the guns and bullets fingerprint free?" asked Greg
"Yeah they are Greg everything is 100% and ready to go." said Carl
When they get all their gear setup for the heist tomorrow morning they call Tommy and Jake to make sure they don't forget tomorrow is the day. Jake and Tommy are 100% ready to go.
The morning arrives and Carl and Greg suit up with their mask and gloves. Carl calls Tommy and makes sure they get in their positions. Carl and Greg get dropped off on the side of the bank and load up their guns.
"Alright dude let's do this." whispered Greg.
"3....2....1.... LETS GO!" they both yelled.
"Everybody hands up now!" they both screamed.
Carl fires a warning shot in the air to scare the hostages. While Carl watches the people, Greg waits till the safe opens and gets the teller to punch in the code. When the safe is safe to open, Carl rushes into the vault and loads up the three hockey bags they brought.
After successfully loading up all the bags they make sure that everyone has had their hands zip tied. Carl and Greg rush to the back of the bank and leave out the back door. They open the back door and see that Tommy isn't there in the getaway vehicle.
"DAMN IT TOMMY!" yelled Carl.
They both look frantically for some way to not get noticed. Both of them scurry from the alley and look for any sign of Tommy, but no sign of him.
"We've got to get out of here!" yelled Carl.
"I've got it!"
Carl goes up to the street and pulls someone out of their vehicle.
"LETS FREAKING GO!" shrieked Carl.
Greg runs to the car and hops in. They speed off and notice that they are being followed by a van. Carl speeds up but so does the van. The van crashes into the side of the stolen car and out jumps eight S.W.A.T members.
Carl and Greg dart to the front of the car and hide.
"Dude we are so done..." cried Greg.
"I know man, I'm sorry" said Carl.
"Let's try to get out bro!" said Greg.
Greg pulls out a smoke screen and pulls the pin. 3...2...1... GO DUDE GO! He throws the smoke screen and they stand up and sprint as fast as possible.
"Dude, the money!" yelled Carl.
"Forget it!" said Greg
"Dude, the money!" yelled Carl.
"Forget it!" said Greg
"No we NEED IT!" shouted Carl.
Carl turns around to go get it but gets shot in the chest.
"CAAARRRRLLL!" cried Greg.
Greg runs up to him and holds him. He says you're going to be alright man, I promise. I'm going to get you out of here.
The S.W.A.T team moves up and shoots Greg in the leg and he drops instantly. The team moves up and handcuffs both of them.
Carl and Greg go to court and are sentenced to three life sentences plus 31 years. They were charged for aggravated robbery, aggravated assault which are both felony's to the first degree, charged for theft of $200,000 and attempted aggravated murder on the S.W.A.T team which is also a first degree felony.
Carl and Greg are spending their lives in Hays State Prison and are never going to be eligible for parole or early release.  They continue to live their lives behind the prison bars and are on high alert.  They know what they did was wrong but they will never learn from their mistakes.

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