The Million Dollar Car Crash | Teen Ink

The Million Dollar Car Crash

March 25, 2015
By Makenzie Mathison BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
Makenzie Mathison BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cassie threw her bag onto the floor and burst into tears. Still shaken up, she tried to recall what had just happened.
“Cassie, is that you,” asked her grandma. “I made you a snack,” she said coming into the living room. “What’s wrong?”
“Mom, dad, gone, car, call,” Cassie gulped, “911.”
“Cassie, I can’t understand you. Please tell me what happened.”
“Look, outside,” said Cassie as she pointed to the window. Grandma Donna slowly opened the window and gasped. Police men were everywhere. They saw one walking toward their door very slowly. Then they heard a knock as hard as a rock. As Donna opened the door the police officer was already talking.
“Hello. My name is Officer Douglas. Are you the Winters’,” he asked. Donna looked at Cassie with bulging eyes.
“Yes,” Donna said as soft as a cloud.
“I am here to report the death of Katherine and Jeff Winters. About an hour ago they were in a car chase and crashed. We don’t know anything other than what I just told you about the story but we are searching for more information now.” Donna fainted as Cassie screamed. Officer Douglas covered his ears and tried to calm Cassie down. Although he wasn’t very good at it.
20 minutes later Donna and Cassie were downtown at the police station.
“First things first, Donna and Cassie...” Officer Douglas said.
“Woah, woah, woah, hold on how do you know our names,” spoke Cassie.
“I’m a police officer, I can track someone down in 2 seconds.” Officer Douglas chuckled while he talked. “So as I was saying, first things first, we need to talk about Katherine and Jeff. Where they some kind of spies?”
“How in the world am I supposed to know!” Cassie screamed so loud, other policemen looked their way. The silence lingered in the air for a while as Officer Douglas starred Cassie down. Donna broke the silence by saying, “do you know anything else?”
“No. All I know is what my boss tells me. Give me 5 minutes to go talk to him and I’ll come back with more information.” Donna and Cassie looked at each other confused but relieved that they would be getting a better report.
Officer Douglas came back and said, “Okay, so we’ve decided to drop the case because a way bigger one has just come in and boss says he wants all of his officers on the other case.”
“ARE YOU JOKING,” yelled Cassie. “My parents just died, literally just died and you want to drop the case.  DROP THE CASE! Well fine. Forget it, I’ll just figure out what happened myself.” And with that Cassie stomped out the door.  Donna chased after her.
By the time they got home, they were so tired, they almost died. Cassie slept from the time she got home to 1:00pm the next day. Donna didn’t make her go to school.
Cassie woke up relaxed. Then she remembered what had just happened the next day and jumped out of bed. Her heart was pounding so hard you could hear it 1000 miles away. She raced down the stairs, grabbed her coat and ran out the door to the crime scene. As she circled the spot where her parents had crashed, she saw a small post-it note lying on the ground. Cassie froze as she saw her parents names written in thick sharpe on the note. As slow as a tortoise, she bent down and grabbed the note. Whoever had written the note had very neat handwriting. It said:

Katherine and Jeff,

We don’t have enough time. Mr. Woods has left us, all of us. He says “what we are doing isn’t the smart thing to do” and “we can’t go through with this.” Personally, I don’t think he knows what he is talking about. I mean, we are in this for the money. If you need to reach me, call me at 721-0093.


Cassie read the post-it 10 times before actually realizing what to do next. She grabbed her phone and called the number. It rang for what seemed like 1 million years. No one picked up. She decided to call again just to make sure no one was there. The phone rang once then someone picked up.
“Katherine is this you? Or is this Jeff,” said the man is a very deep voice. I decided to pretend I was my mother because we had very similar voices.
“It’s Katherine.”
“Okay good. Mr. Woods is going to the police with this and is coming after you and Jeff right now, you need to run. Leave Cassie at home. Donna will take care of her. Go to Juneau Alaska. That’s where I am now. I’ll be at the airport. I have to go but you need to run. Bye,” said the man.
Cassie stood on the road shocked. Billions of thoughts ran through her head. That was when she realized that she had to go. She had to leave without anyone coming with her.
Donna wasn’t home as she packed up her bags for Juneau. She would probably be so worried but this was for her own good. Cassie didn’t need help and she looked close enough to her mom that whoever BL was wouldn’t tell the difference.
Cassie ran out the door and into her car, racing to the airport. But she didn’t forget to write a note to her grandma saying what she was doing . By the time she got to the airport, it was 3:00 and a flight for Juneau was just boarding people.
On the plane, Cassie listened to her favorite pop songs. The people and cars grew smaller and smaller until she could no longer see them, only the white fluffy clouds that surrounded the plane. They looked as soft as a pillow. Slowly, she drifted to sleep.
The sound of the planes wheels on the ground woke her up. Her stomach turned as she stared out the window. This plan sounded a whole lot better in her mind. What in the world was she doing? Cassie panicked while she grabbed her bags. Oh no, oh no, oh no, ran through her mind over and over again. She ran out of the airplane and into the airport. A man, tall and very built, approached her carefully. As he walked up to her, he held his arms out, pulling her into an awkward hug.
“Katherine, I missed you. Do you have the money,” he asked. Cassie stared at who she guessed to be BL. She didn’t know what to say or what to do so she just stood there quietly.
“Ummm. . .” and then Cassie took off running away, through the airport, shoving everyone in her path to the side. She turned around and saw BL running right after her. Unfortunately, the man caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm.
“You are not Katherine. Tell me who you are NOW!” BL’s grip tightened and Cassie screamed.
“I’m Cassie, Katherine’s daughter. My parents died just yesterday in some sort of car chase. Please tell me who you are and what you and my parents did.”
“My name is Bryce Long. Your parents and I were planning on stealing billions of dollars from a bank. But now you know too much and are coming with me.”
“Wait hold on. Why were my parents in a car chase?” Cassie asked with confusion.
“I don’t know. Probably with Mr. Woods. He was also in on our plan but quit because he realized what we were doing wasn’t right. You are coming with me now,” said Bryce yanking on her arm. 
Just then an ear-piercing alarm went off throughout the airport and about 30 polices officers ran towards them. Bryce picked up Cassie and ran, pushing through the crowd of people watching them. As Bryce ran, the officers followed. Bryce reached the doors of the airport and ran out to his car.
“LET ME GO!” Screamed Cassie kicking at Bryce. He didn’t let go until he finally reached his car and threw her in. Then he took off driving fast out of the airport parking lot and down a highway. The police officers chased after the two of them. Cassie looked out the window and saw in one police car, Donna was sitting next to an officer.
“HELP ME, HELP ME,” Cassie yelled.
“You shut up!”
Cassie started to cry. What had she done. If she never would of had this stupid idea, she could have been safe and sound at home.
Police cars surrounded Bryce’s car. There was no where else for Bryce to go. Cassie hit her head on the back of Bryce’s seat as he slammed on the brakes. She cried out.
Bryce hopped out of the car and ran but before he could get anywhere about 15 of the police officers stopped him.
Donna ran towards Cassie screaming, “Cassie! Cassie! What were you thinking?” Donna pulled Cassie out of the car and hugged her.
“I read your note. Right when I found out where you were going and why, I called Officer Douglas and told them to come with me.”
Cassie spoke in a daze, “Oh, thanks, ow ow ow!”
“What’s wrong,” asked Donna.
“I hit my head on the back of the drivers seat really hard.”
“Well then we better get you to a doctor. You need rest and we need to check your head out. After you feel better, tell Officer Douglas, the other officers, and I what happened,” said Donna.
By the time they got to the hospital, Cassie was out cold. The doctors figured out that Cassie had a minor concussion but needed plenty of rest.
Cassie was better in about 2 days. She told Donna the whole story who then told the officers.
“I can’t believe that my own parents, Katherine and Jeff, would steal money or even think about it,” said Cassie on the drive back home from Alaska.
“I know! That is absolutely crazy. I would have never suspected anything.” Donna exclaimed.
Donna and Cassie made it home relieved the experience was finally over. Bryce was put in jail. Mr. Woods was called to the police station by Officer Douglas. He was not charged for anything because he decided not to be involved with the burglary.
Two months later, the Winters’ were very relaxed when they heard a knock on the door. Cassie went to go open the door and there stood Officer Douglas.
“Your parents didn’t die in the car chase. We found them. You and Donna need to come with me immediately,” he said.

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