The Doors | Teen Ink

The Doors

March 25, 2015
By clennmeg20 BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
clennmeg20 BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Horror story

Chapter 1: The Door=s

Blood stains on the hard, ugly, cyan linoleum.  Murder screams across the room… Once upon a time there was a girl named Kate, she loved killing people. At the end of each day she killed at least ten people… Just kidding that is not how this story is going to go.

Long ago, there was a 30-year-old man driving in his blue and black Mercedes Benz.  He just ran out of diesel; he was on an unlit, terrifying highway.  He started to hitchhike up on the highway to find some gas. Up on the highway, he found a dark, critical mansion on the side of the road.  He slowly walked up to the mansion and saw a purple, six foot tall  body moving toward the door.  Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. The door slowly opened, and out came a very respectful maid.  She led the man into the living space. The owner of the mansion then came down from the dark, creaky stairs. The owner showed the man where he would be staying since it was pouring rain, and he was out of gas. When the owner was showing the man where he would be staying, they passed a room that was locked, with bullet holes, and an ultimate security system. He asked what was in the locked  room and the owner said, “Do not go into that room, it is top secret.”

That night, when everybody was asleep, even the maid, the man snuck quietly down to that  same room that had the bullet holes and top secret security. How he got through that top security door, nobody knows. He passed the first door and  saw an unforgettable sight. He saw horrible things. He saw wasps, bugs, beetles, ants, hornets, flies and so many different insects. He heard footsteps coming toward him, so he hid, and when the footsteps faded he went back to his room.

The second night was even more suspicious. He went back to the room that had the same bullet holes. He went inside and saw the same bugs. Then, out of the corner of his eye he saw another door, but this door was smaller. He went to the second door and he saw bullet holes and a sign that said “DO NOT PASS.” The man ignored the sign and went in. In this door it was even worse. He saw all of his worst nightmares. Those nightmares were him  drowning,  being murdered, other people murdered, bad hair days, and so many more bad things. This time he did not hear footsteps, he heard his name being called. It was telling him to stay out of the next room; If he went in there he would die. He decided to go back to bed and try not to think about what would be behind the third door, but he could not sleep because he was so scared.

The third day he went downstairs to eat breakfast; He had pancakes with the owner. The owner said this was going to be his house if he would like. The man thought it was a great idea. He wanted to find out what was behind the third door and if there were anymore doors behind that. Later that day, he went for a walk around the area,  played outside and rode his bike. He had gotten the bike from the owner.

The third night the man went to the door that had bullet holes; then he went through the second door that had bullet holes and most of his worst nightmares. He went through the third door, but it was a struggle. He had to identify if the door had any boobytraps. It did indeed.  The first trap was mice traps, the second trap was a spectrum of lasers that could lazer through asphalt, and the third one, was a blast of hot air that made his face sweat and then a blast of cold air that froze his face. Once he dodged all of those, he entered the door. In this door he saw nothing, but a little box in the corner of the room. He wondered what that could be. It was… a black fluffy cat. The cat jumped out of the box and scratched all over his face.

The next day the man went up into the fireplace room where the owner was. The man was extremely scared that day. He tried to hide his face and cover it up with a sweatshirt that had a hood. Of course he could not hide all the cat scratches, so the owner asked where he got all of the long, deep scratches from. The man answered and said that he was out hunting for berries, but a squirrel came down and bit him several times.

The fourth night when he was at the mansion he went to the room that had a bullet hole through it; then he went past the room with the bugs, terrible nightmares, and the cat. This time he thought that he would find the most horrible thing in the room. He did indeed, but it was not as bad as he thought it would be.  This time under the fourth door there was a window. When he looked out the window blood splashed on the door, then he heard a murderer scream, After that a werewolf hit the window. The man screamed and ran as fast as he could to the three other doors. When he got out of the rooms he went safely to bed.

It has been nine days since the man had gone into the doors. He wondered what could be behind those other doors. He had already gone through so much. So that night he decided to find out what was behind those doors. He started for the first door, then the second door, then the third door, when he reached the fourth door he decided to run to the fifth door because he was so scared.

Behind the fifth door was a huge cage. The cage had spikes around it, and it had bullet proof glass. There was a sheet in the inside of the cage. The man could not see inside. He started to break open the glass using an EXACTO knife he had found the day before in the kitchen when he was having pancakes. He broke through the glass. He heard a loud scream and hid behind the cage. Once again he heard the noise This time it was getting closer and closer. The man had to get quieter and quieter until… BOOM… out came a little tiny mouse from behind the fourth door.

The man then slowly took the covers off of the cage. Underneath he saw a huge fluffy ball the size of a car. It was a creature nobody had heard of in the life of mankind. It was a donkasaurus.. It is half dino and half donkey. The man stepped back to get a better look and then he stepped on a branch.

All of a sudden, without any notice, the donkasaurus got up and broke through the cage. The man started screaming and running around in circles. He had no idea that the animal hated loud noises and things that moved in circles. The donkasaurus started to chase after the man. The man ran out of the mansion with the tank of gas that was left for him on the third step of the mansion. He ran all the way to his car and poured in the gas and drove off. When the donkasaurus finally reached the car he stopped. The car kept going. The donkasaurus took of his mask. WHAT?… you say. It was the owner of the mansion. He had dressed up as the donkasaurus and tried to scare all of his guests away so he would have the mansion all to himself. He wanted to teach the man a lesson.

The man learned that night never to go into something that is not yours without permission. He promised himself that he would never ever come back to that terrifying mansion again.  He did not ever come through that town again. Whenever he had to go through that town, he found another way to get to his destination without ever going through that town ever again in the history of his life. That was not a happy ending for the man.

Almost about three years later, another man named Will came to that town to open a new sandwich store. That was the man’s son. Will went to that same mansion and stayed there for a long time. This time, Will did not go into those doors like his father did. He lived there for the rest of his life with his wife, Sue. Then they died happily ever after in that mansion together, with the owner and the maid. In that time that they were still living Sue and Will went together through the first door. Then Will’s dad called from California, and told them “DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER THROUGH THOSE DOORS!” Will and Sue listened and then they ended up not going through the rest of those doors. They did not see their worst nightmares, the blood on the window, or the donkasaurus. They ended up making a great connection with the owner.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 7 2015 at 12:43 pm
ABPippins SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
To die may be an awfully big adventure, but to love is an even grander affair -myself

It's an interesting thing to write about, but there are a few dramatic flaws. Other than that, good job.