The Trip | Teen Ink

The Trip

March 24, 2015
By Anonymous

“You’re Invited!” The bright red letters screamed at my face as I stared at them. It was the most peculiar of all invitations, containing one way plane tickets for the whole family and a wild explanation about a mansion in Utah. Honestly I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Even though the cousins the invitation came from were considered the “weird ones” in the family, this was a whole new level for them. It came on the first Saturday in March and stated the trip would occur the first week of April, my spring break. The letter described the mansion which was to be rented for the week, large, beautiful, and just outside Salt Lake City. Something out of a dream.
My parents saw the invitation first, and very excitedly showed it to me. At the time we had no plans for spring break so they were quick to jump on board. I however was not so quick to accept the invite just like that.
“Doesn’t this whole thing seem a bit odd,” I asked.
“Well you know them, they’re always coming up with crazy ideas,” responded my parents, “Maybe this time they’re actually putting one into action!”
“Hmmm, I guess so,” I agreed.
“Why are you so down about this? Think about how nice it’ll be, especially after all the snow we’ve had here,” answered my mom.
“Yeah you’re right,” I conceded.
My mind hadn’t changed on the situation, but I knew my parents were a lost cause. I just didn’t understand where this idea came from. These cousins were the type of people to talk about changing religion every time you saw them at a family thanksgiving, or maybe tell you how they had gone boogie boarding in Zimbabwe over the summer, however this invitation was a different sort of weird. I was especially confused at why we had gotten the invite, it wasn’t like we were particularly close with these cousins, and it didn’t seem to be a family thing either. The invitation was just addressed to “Friends of the Hendersons”. I tried to tell myself that maybe this was just their way of trying to become closer to our family, but I highly doubted it.
After a few weeks of laboring over what this ordeal was truly about, and simultaneously getting pounded by the worst snowstorms of the year, I gave up and turned my thoughts to the warm and sunny escape of Utah. I knew in the back of my mind I should keep searching for the answer I craved but I guessed whatever it was it couldn’t be that bad.
The day in April finally arrived when we took our one way tickets and flew out to Utah. We were met at the airport by my cousins and a peculiar group of people of all ages I assumed to be their friends. These strangers weren’t very talkative towards us, but frankly I didn’t care at this point I just wanted to see where we would be staying, and whether it would live up to its billing. After a quick drive from the airport we pulled up to what could only be described as a modern day castle. Looking down upon the city and the lake the enormous white structure stood proudly, far too grand for our meager group to possess for a week, but I was not about to complain. As we entered we walked through the grand foyer I admired the gorgeous diamond chandelier.
“How did you afford this place, its absolutely incredible,” I questioned my cousin Steve.
“Oh a friend actually owns it and rents it sometimes so we got a great price,” he casually replied.
I was trying to figure out in my head how they had a rich friend from Utah, when as we entered the kitchen I noticed a book on the counter. As I went to go look at the book, which appeared to be out of place, I was cut off by one of the strangers who snatched the book before I could get a good glance of it.
“Excuse me, may I see that?” I asked the man trying to be polite as possible despite my surprise at his actions.
“Oh just sec, I’m checking it out myself first,” replied the man in a cool manner.
Suddenly my parents came up behind me and started rambling on about the house. I tried to respond to them while keeping an eye on the man but he had already disappeared with the book. Something didn’t seem right but there was little I could do having just arrived as a guest in the house. I thought about following my instincts but realized if I questioned the man or the people I could cause some awkwardness between them and my family for the rest of the week, so I decided against it for the time being.
It was getting to be evening time at that point so we all had quick dinner together before getting ready for bed. As I laid down I felt both exhausted and restless at the same time. I was feeling the tiredness which comes with a long day of travel, but the place and the people made me uncomfortable. I had tried my best to push all the conflicted thoughts to the back of my mind, but they continued to resurface as what had occurred so far ran through my sleepless thoughts. When I realized pushing them away didn’t work I tried to reassure myself that it was all just a bit quirky, nothing truly wrong or bad though. However I couldn’t come to accept that conclusion with all which had happened. Yet, when I tried to piece everything together it did not make any sense. I was flustered to the point that I decided I needed to go take a walk, or really do anything besides just laying in bed.
I crept out of bed and descended to the first floor, however as I approached the sitting area I swore I could hear voices. I was not sure at first since it was well past midnight, but as I moved closer and closer I could tell without a doubt that there were multiple people talking in the next room. As I peered around the corner of the wall I saw the group of them standing together in a small circle. They were all wearing the same outfit, a white short sleeved dress shirt, tucked into their black pants, and completed with a tie. They were also all holding a copy of the book which I had seen on the counter. I moved around the wall a slight bit more to get the better view I needed before realizing what it was which they all held, it was the Book of Normon.
I panicked upon realization of what I had seen and tried to leap back behind the wall before they could see me. However I was not as deft as I had been before.
“Come over to us we know you are there,” came a booming voice from the direction of the group.
It all made sense now but I did not know what to do. My first instinct was to run, but I realized I could not leave with my parents asleep upstairs.  I did not want to go upstairs however, because then I would be trapped up there. I concluded that my only option was to face them and hope for the best. I did not know what to expect as I stepped back around the corner. They all were standing in their group staring in my direction, and my one cousin, the apparent leader, beckoned me towards them. As I walked towards them I realized the group was comprised of everyone else in the house.
“We were expecting to do this tomorrow but now will work too,” belched one of the men, “As part of this trip you must accept your place in the Normon Church.”
“You can’t force me to do that,” I responded in shock.
“Ha, you have no power here,” laughed the man.
Once I started to comprehend his words I attempted to escape. I was able to evade two sets of flailing arms and let out a scream to the heavens, but I was tripped by a third man and knocked unconscious. From there on I don’t have much recollection of what exactly I went through but I know it led me to where I am now. Stuck in this wretched gang with no view of escape in my current state, wishing I had just listened to my doubts from the beginning.

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