Bleeding Water | Teen Ink

Bleeding Water

April 9, 2015
By AIatomsmasher BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
AIatomsmasher BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nobody puts baby in the corner!

In the backyard of an old house there is a pool. The house was falling apart and the pool in the back is ominous. Its too deep and the water is always a dark black, no matter how bright a day. Like most disturbing places we have used it to create scary stories to be told around fires and folktales. One day when I was in the small neighborhood with the decrepit house, a man approached me to tell me his story about what happened there.
    "It's a sad tale really." There was an old man who lived in that house.  One day he was driving in his car with the radio running. In the upper left corner of the windshield he kept a family photo, however there was one face that had been burnt out from the photo. He came home and went to his room. He opened the window of his room to see the landscape below, that's when he saw a black mass spiraling through the water of the pool, like spilled oil. He ran downstairs and outside as fast as he could only to find the pool utterly clear. He sighed with relief and walked up to the edge.
When he looked down into the water he saw a thing staring up at him, shaped like a human, with full black eyes. It reached out of the pool, grabbing his shirt, dragging him closer to the water. He fell to his knees, struggling against it calling out with the effort. His face dipped into the surface of the water, then he saw the spiral of black fluid spreading through the water, coming at him. When he looked at the creature next to him he realized it had the same facial structure as his granddaughter who had drowned. Then the dark red blood covered his eyes.
    "That's it." The man said, looking satisfied. "Pretty great, huh?"
"Wait, so the old man's granddaughter drowned and came back to kill him? Why did she decide to kill him?"
"The girl didn't kill him, he killed himself because he couldn't live with the guilt of his granddaughter drowning." the man corrected me. "And the blood, or what the man thought was  blood, was actually him passing out. The first time he saw the spiral, it was nothing more than a cloud passing over the pool."
On the last day of my trip to the neighborhood I drove by the famous old house. I stopped the car and got out. I went to the front step and knocked on the door. It was unlatched and opened more with each knock. No one answered. I walked into the house. It was old, it smelled of old books. Everything about it seemed old.
  I went up to the room with the view of the pool. I opened the window and looked down just as a cloud passed over the pool and the water went black. I smiled, remembering the story. That one was my favorite. I headed out of the house and got back into my car. When I sat down in the driver's seat, I looked up to see a photo in the corner of the windshield. In the center there was a burnt out spot.

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