Trapped | Teen Ink


April 22, 2015
By Anonymous

He shook as his nails dug deep into the ice shavings that covered the freezers lid. They fell down onto his pulled in knees and didn't melt.
No longer did Mason’s heart race. He had become a lifeless corpse unable to feel his flesh. His skin was burnt and as he breathed into his hands, he saw the last view bit of warmth drift from him body.
He was becoming week and as he held himself up, relentless to lay onto the frozen corpse any more than he had to. The body was stiff in the same form she had died in.
Why was he here?
Mason no longer shook, just sat and waited from the good Lord to take him home. Just like he had done with her.
Shifting he leaning now against the frosty sides. He had accepted his fate and what was to come. Once again he picked away at the frost covered top. Many minutes ago he had stopped trying to get out. Something was weighing the lid down and no longer did he try to lift it up.
With his head laying on his knees and hands clasped around them he took his last warm breath.

The author's comments:

This short story is about a young boy who dies a death like none other.

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