GHOST!! | Teen Ink


May 4, 2015
By Anonymous

July twenieth. Two days before my birthday.I was sitting in Garcia Mortuary, a well known funeral home. I didn't know who had died. I stood up and walked slowly to the front of the room. As I got closer a little boy started screaming hystarically. I couldn't hear what he was saying until I got closer. "Goat! Goat!"he cried. I kneeled down by the little boy. He screamed louder as he stared at me in horror. I looked down in order to look for the goat, but then I got a glimpse of my feet. I stared down at my feet for a few seconds before realizing I could see right though them.He wasn't trying to say goat he was trying to say GHOST! I ran toward the coffin. I saw my mother crying. She was kissing the dead dead body with her red crimson lips. She was kissng the dead body. She was

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