Playdate | Teen Ink


April 17, 2015
By horrorhippy BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
horrorhippy BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well, it's time to move, again.
It's like mom can never decide on where to live. I just hate how indecisive she is.
This will be the third time we have moved. I guess this time the only real excuse this time was to be closer to the rest of our family.
"Wow, isn't it just beautiful?!"
  My dad said, as we pulled up to our new home. I was used to the nice, breezy weather we had previously experienced at our old house in Georgia. But when I
stepped outside the car to feel the humid, sweaty, bad hair-day kind of weather, I
knew Texas residency wasn't going to be my favorite.
I could tell that the house had been once grand looking, it had its rooftop
sculpted into points, and the building itself had nice architecture. Even though it
was a little run down due to years of existence, I have to admit it was still a nice
looking house.
  I watched as my parents walked happily to the large front door, my mom's short,
rounded figure, and my dad's muscular, tall body. I trailed along behind my
parents as they entered the house and awed at the old paintings, furniture, and
sculpted staircase.
  I explored the inside of the house, searching around for what I would like to
become my new room.

I walked inside a room and saw a wooden vanity set complete with a mirror, and
a bed with drapes thinly concealing its pillows. I took a liking to the furniture, and
decided this room would soon be mine. Right as I was about to retrieve my
belongings, I jumped from what caught my eye in the opposite corner of my
There was a girl, standing motionless in front of my window.
She faced me with deep black sockets, longing for eyes and her ragged blonde
hair reached to conceal her bony shoulders. The once-white dress she wore
covered her skinny body, and the torn edges had only some fragments long
enough to reach mid-thigh. I noticed the cuts along her legs and forearms, and a
symbol unknown to me was tattooed on her shoulder in bold black.
I stared for only a moment before I snapped back into my senses and sprinted out
the door.
I ran to the kitchen and found my dad sitting at the dinner table chatting along
with my mom while she prepared for dinner.
"Would you like to join us Holly?" asked my mom, before she turned to see my
pale face holding a shocked expression. My dad asked if I was okay, and I tried to
spit everything I just witnessed out to them at once.
My parents just shook their heads and laughed at my efforts to tell them my
concern. I wanted to prove them wrong and shock
Them too, so I motioned them to follow me into my room.
I opened my door and walked them inside, and to my surprise the girl was gone. I
frantically searched my room, inside my closet, under the bed, and all around the
space. The girl was nowhere to be found.
"Holly, I think you've lost your marbles", my dad commented as I searched. My
mom however, was concerned and grabbed for my father's hand and they soon
exited my room to talk.
I never ate dinner tonight, and my parents soon drifted off to sleep.
I woke up around midnight to find the girl sitting at the edge of my bed. I opened
my sleepy eyes even wider being frightened and screeched as I pulled the bed
blanket over my head, hoping this nightmare would go away.
Well, it didn't.
The girl said my name and I slowly pulled the comforter from my face with my
hands trembling from this fear being a reality.
Who are you, and how do you know my name"? I asked, with some trace of
The girl just covered her mouth and giggled before telling me her name was Anna
and she died at the age of fifteen.
"You're a GHOST"!? I screamed. 
She just laughed hysterically again and nodded her head yes in-between giggles. I
now sat up in shock telling myself this had to be some kind of joke. This girl was a
year younger than me and had to be just messing around.
She looked at me and then apologized for scaring me, and that she was just
looking for company.

I soon found myself actually carrying a conversation with this "ghost", as she
began telling me her life story and was sad to admit she didn't know the cause of
her death. She explained to me that you remained a ghost, roaming around
where you live, until you discovered the cause of your death.
Anna moved into the house when she was five and had lived there leading up to
the age of fifteen. She had lived with her mom and dad, and that she was an only
child. Her family was doing just fine until her mom had begun to get "sick". She
explained to me why, and it wasn't the physically sick I was thinking of.
Anna said that her mother, Tammy, was beginning to feel this way after she had
discovered that her husband had been having an affair with her, even after being
married for seventeen years.
Tammy had gotten so emotionally sick; she tried to ease the pain constantly by
consuming random prescription pills in the kitchen, and getting heavily drunk. But
her "sickness" only got worse.
She had spent a lot of time in the basement of the house with herself and what
was claimed to be God.
"My mother was very religious" Anna added. Anna described her home
"swimming with Christianity" after Tammy had accepted Christ. Her mother
became obsessed with this "religion", and would scold Anna for not acting out on
her faith, and trusting God in everything she did.
"Everything" said Anna, "Everything I needed help with, everything I did rotated
around God". "My mom spent so much time in the basement, she would forget to
feed me, and she wouldn't even spend time with me, only God".
Anna said the cuts on her body were her sacrifice to God, and that her mom made
her shed blood.
She looked away in shame, and I reached out a hand to give her a comforting hug.
But when I touched her my hand went through her skin, and alii felt was cold air
against my fingers. 

Anna looked at me one last time before floating off the bed and vanishing into
thin air. The sound of her soft sobbing was left to linger on in my mind. I couldn't
sleep after she just left me hanging like that, so I figured since it was six in the
morning I could just get up and go get some breakfast.
I walked into the kitchen to hear my parent’s busy voices and smell
Breakfast. "Good morning Holly" greeted my parents.
"Good morning" I replied with a smile.
My dad poured me a glass of orange juice as I sat down at the large dining table.
My mom couldn't stop talking about the new house and how she just admired all
the decor.
Around two '0' clock my family and I packed lunches for our hiking trip planned
today and we soon set out for our little adventure.
The outdoors here is really beautiful, and I am starting to think that Texas isn't all
that bad.
But I couldn't stop thinking about Anna.
About her death.

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This article has 1 comment.

Brent Irish said...
on May. 14 2015 at 3:11 pm
Brent Irish, Granbury, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
You must have an awesome Creative Writing teacher ;)