Even Angels Fall | Teen Ink

Even Angels Fall

May 6, 2015
By J-SystemDefect-98 BRONZE, London, Other
J-SystemDefect-98 BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.
Those who fear The Dark haven't witnessed the true power of The Light.

Sooner or later, all people fall. Some fall silently, Others fall in a loud discordant of sound. But all fall. And I was no exception. My fall made me a spectacle. An example to all of the consequences of disobedience, the consequences of questioning, the consequences of will. If you are in the process of falling or have fallen, know this. Your fall will never amount to mine. Because I was cast out from divinity and fell pass humanity and landed in fire, punishment, sin. I was the bringer of dawn, the morning star Lucifer. But now I am something else, I am the everlasting flames measuring a million degrees, I am the whisper in all minds before committing sin, the inescapable villainy of the world, an angel who looks up at divinity from damnation.

The author's comments:

When i asked my friends about this they where all like 'Devils autobiography', but i hope you guys can see pass the reference and understand what this is. And just clearing this up now, some words may be mis-spelt becasue I use the english spelling. dont forget to comment and whatnot.

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