The Story of Annabelle the Doll | Teen Ink

The Story of Annabelle the Doll

May 13, 2015
By bia13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
bia13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be yourself because everyones already taken.

In 1970, a mother purchased a antique Raggidy Anne doll from a hobby store. The doll was a present for her daughter Donna. At the time she was in college peparing to graduate. She placed the doll in her apartment on her bed not knowing of the power it holds. A few days later, creepy and strange things begin to happen. The doll would be in one spot and then switch positions. The doll would be found with its legs crossed and its arms folded. She would able to write too, they would find messages that would say "Help us!" and "Help Lou!" it was found on parchment paper, but Donna never owned any parchment paper. The doll kept moving and moving and Donna got frighten when she saw the doll covered in something that looked like blood. Scared for her life Donna went to go look for expert advice. She contacted a medium and was introduced to Annabelle Higgins, a young girl who died and was found in a apartment complex. The doll said to the medium that she felt comfterable and wanted to stay with Angie and Donna. A friend named Lou didn't like the doll. He woke up one night in fear when he saw the doll at the edge of his bed. The doll crawled up his leg and onto his chest scared, in the event he blacked out he woke up the next morning. He knew it wasn't a dream the next day Angie and Lou were planing a trip when they heard noises coming from Donnas room. So when Lou went to go check to see whats going on he turned on the lights and saw that the room was empty except for the doll that was in the corner of the room. He felt somebody in the back of him, when he turned he saw nobody was there,so he turned back the other way and was scratched.The  scratches some how healed itself and they were completely gone by the second day. After concerned Donna contacted a priest who then called the Warrens and found out it wasnt a little girl but a spirt who wanted to posses. The  doll was smart enough to fake everything just to get there trust when all along the doll was either ganna harm or kill one or all of them. The father decided to bless the house when they arrived to the house, they started to talk to Annabelle saying "Your just a rag doll, you cant hurt anybody." The priest left and everyone said to be careful on the way home. He checked into Loraine and said he got involved in a car crash that could have been fatal. It was one of the few events that happened in the next few years . "Don't challenge evil, no man is powerful than Satan" Ed said.

The author's comments:

The creepy yet true story of Annabelle The Doll.

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