Robert the Doll | Teen Ink

Robert the Doll

May 13, 2015
By Reyna Torres BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Reyna Torres BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   In the late 1800's, Thomas Otto and his family moved into a mansion. Thomas had a young boy named Robert Otto. In the , mansion they had many servants that worked for many things.

   One day Thomas Otto found one servant, a middle aged woman, doing black magic in their backyard. Thomas fired the lady, but before she left, she left Robert a doll. The doll was hree feet tall, stuffed straw and buttons for eyes. Robert fell in love with the doll.

   But later things started to get strange. Robert no longer wanted to be called Robert, he wanted to be called by his middle name, Gene, because Robert was now the dolls name. Gene treated Robert like a actual person, he would take him where ever he went, and Robert would have a seat in the kitchen table, Gene would give him scraps of food without his parents knowing. One day Gene's parents walked into his room, they found Gene curled up in a corner with Robert sitting on a chair staring at him. They could hear Gene having conversation in his room, and something in a lower voice was takling too. The family and the servants would find things thrown across and strange laughing. Soon Gene's parents wanted to do something about the doll. They took Robert out of Gene's care and placed in in the attic. Robert stayed there for many years. Then the Otto family moved from that house.

   After Gene's father died he decided to move back to his childhood home. Gene was now a adult, with a wife. He bwcame and artist. When Gene was looking through the attic he found Robert. He became attached to the doll, despite his wifes displeasure. Once again Gene took Rober everywhere he went. Gene'sand his wife's marrigae became sour. Then his wife died for an unknown reason. Gene followed soon behind.

   Robert stayed in the house alone until a new family moved in. Robert supposdly attacked people, sometimes locking them in the attic. People would hear strange laughter coming from the turrent room. One night Robert was found in the foot of the owners bed giggling with a knife at hand. That was enough to sentt Robert away.

   Robert got sent to East Martello Museum in Key West, where he now sits on a glass box. This has not stopped Robert. Visitors and employees claim they have seen Robert move. His smile is now a scowl. One employee that was cleaning Robert said he turned of the light and left, the next day the lights were on and Robert was now in a diffrent position with a new layer of dust on his shoes. Some say he'll even curse you. If you wantba picture of him ypu have to ask politely. If you dont, a curse will befall upon you.

  To this day Robert the Doll remains in the same museum, in his sailor suit clutching his stuffed lion, continuing his menacing ways.

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This article has 1 comment.

unholy SILVER said...
on May. 17 2015 at 10:49 pm
unholy SILVER, Georgetown, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
life inspires me to live and there's so much meaning to why my heart is beating right now.

I liked that your story had the unique idea of the boy's obsession with the doll, that was very unique and well written. I feel like this story has a lot of potential but you need to further articulate the events that are happening as well as edit your sentence structures, grammar, expand vocabulary, etc.