Carlos the Chihuahua | Teen Ink

Carlos the Chihuahua

May 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Carlos the Chihuahua

In Miami, Florida a vicious drug cartel is controlling the city. The name of the cartel is the Chihuahuas de Muertes. The reason the gang is named after such a tiny and loveable dog is they use the dogs to transport drugs and drug money around the city because they are hard to notice running around Little Havana. But their was one chihuahua who was the best out of all the other chihuahuas. His name was Carlos and he was the lap dog of the crime lord Jose Martinez.
“Carlos!  Carlos!” yelled the kennel master of the Chihuahuas de Muertes.
Carlos came running into the room ready to do whatever his master wanted him to do. The chihuahuas were exceptionally smart and knew how to navigate the streets of Little Havana. Besides delivering drugs and drug money to the underground of Little Havana, they also delivered food and clothing to the homeless children who were living on the streets.
“Take these to Juan and Rosalina, Carlos” said the kennel master to Carlos who began to wag his tail in excitement because he loved going to visit little Juan and Rosalina. The kennel master strapped the canned food on the dog and let him loose on his journey to deliver food to Juan and Rosalina. Many natives of Little Havana knew who the chihuahuas worked for and knew better than to try to “dognap” them or steal whatever they were delivering. Carlos knew where Juan and Rosalina always stayed and went straight there. He went to an abandoned taco stand and started barking to get their attention.
“Rosalina! Rosalina look! Carlos is here!” screamed Juan waking up his little sister.
“Carlos!” yelled Rosalina as Carlos came into their makeshift home. They took the canned food out of his carrying sack. They gave Carlos a chicken bone they got from the food they stole from the local KFC. Carlos began wagging his tail with excitement. Even though Juan and Rosalina didn’t have much they still made sure they gave Carlos a treat whenever he delivered to them. Carlos took the bone and went back to his master at the drug lord’s estate. But, as Carlos was heading towards the estate a strange man appeared out of an alley and said his name.
“Carlos. Here boy,” said the strange man.
“Who is this man?” thought Carlos. And before he could get away the strange man grabbed Carlos with a potato sack and threw him in a car.
“ Where is Carlos?” said the drug lord to the kennel master.
“ I don’t know sir. He went to deliver food to the two homeless kids an hour ago. It’s not like him to take this long after deliveries. Do you think it was the Tijuana Cartel?” said the kennel master in a nervous tone.
“ I don’t know. But they are our biggest competitor in Little Havana. I want you to use another one of the chihuahuas as a trap to lure out whoever took Carlos. We have to get him back, he is carrying something that could put us all in jail.” said the drug lord.
“ Yes sir,” said the kennel master as he left the drug lord’s office.
Later on that day, Carlos was thrown out of the sack in an unknown area he’d never been in before.
“ What is this place?” thought Carlos as he walked around the area.
Then the man that kidnapped him picked him up and took him inside the building and he saw a lot of strange men wearing uniforms with badges and guns. His kennel master always told him to avoid this men and that if one tries to grab him, that he needs to run away and doesn’t get caught.
“ We found him sir,” said the mysterious man in a serious tone.
“ Good work. I want you to search that dog for anything we can use against the Chihuahuas de Muertes and put their drug lord in jail for a long time.” said the police captain.
“ Yes sir,” said the mysterious man. He then took Carlos to his office and began searching his carrying sack for any evidence he the police could use to bring down the cartel.
The next day at the cartel’s estate the kennel master went into the drug lord’s office with bad news.
“ I have bad news sir. Some of our customers noticed a strange man take Carlos in an alley by the corner store. I then tracked down the car he put Carlos in and found it at the police station.” said the kennel master in a nervous tone.
“ Oh god. if the cops aren’t stupid and find what Carlos has, we won’t be the only ones going to jail,” said the drug lord as he punched a wall.
At the police station, the police officer was still searching Carlos for anything they could use to bring down the Chihuahuas de Muertes. The police officer began to feel a great amount of doubt because he still hadn’t found anything on Carlos. Then, before he was about to take Carlos outside, he noticed his collar and took it off to have a look. It looked like your average dog collar, but that didn’t stop the police officer from searching the collar. The police officer knew that there could be something the cartel put in Carlos’s collar. He then took the collar to get x rayed in the forensic lab, to see if they could find anything in the collar.
“ Could you put this through the x ray?” said the police officer to the forensic scientist.
“ Sure thing,” said the forensic scientist as he put the collar through the x ray.
“ Would you look at this. There is something in there.” said the police officer as he looked at the scan appearing on the screen.
“ What is it?” said the scientist as he looked at the scan.
“ I don’t know. But were about to find out,” said the police officer as he took the collar back to his office.
The kennel master was trying to figure out how he could get Carlos and his collar back. He then came up with an idea as he walked into the police station.
“ Excuse me mam. Did you have little chihuahua brought in yesterday?” said the kennel master to the dispatcher.
“ We sure did. Was the dog yours?” said the dispatcher to the kennel master.
“ Yes, he must have ran out when I was at work. He's always roaming around town.”
“ Well I'll notify the officer that brought him in and he’ll give you your dog back,” said the dispatcher to the kennel master.
“ Finally!” said the police officer as he finally cracked open the dog collar. Inside was a flash drive containing the names of every drug lord the Chihuahuas de Muertes had contact with and the names of the suppliers of drugs in the area. On that list was the kennel master who was in the waiting room in the police station.
“ Officer Daniels, please bring the chihuahua to the waiting room,” said the dispatcher over the intercom.
Before he  brought the dog to the waiting room, he copied the information from the flash drive onto his computer so he could show his police captain. As he brought the dog the waiting room he noticed someone in the waiting room. He set the dog down and went into the waiting room.
“ Well this day just got better,”said the police officer as he approached the kennel master.
“ Excuse me sir?” said the kennel master.
“ Mr. Gonzalez. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” said the police officer as he handcuffed the kennel master.
“ What? I’m innocent you hear me! Innocent!,” screamed Gonzalez as Officer Daniels escorted him to a holding cell.
One week later, the Chihuahuas de Muertes were taken down in a series of arrest including their leader. Officer Daniels was promoted and Carlos was adopted by Officer Daniels. The two homeless siblings were also put in a foster home with a loving family.

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