The Last Thing I Remember | Teen Ink

The Last Thing I Remember

May 28, 2015
By ixlandboy BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
ixlandboy BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       The last thing I remember, it was fourth and goal from the one. The score was 24-17 Merritt Island led the game with only seconds left. The rain was freezing but you couldn’t feel it any more, all you could feel was your heart beating so hard and fast, it was tough to think. The quarterback was screaming making the audible but I knew what was coming… a run right up the middle… right to me. I dug my cleats into the ground feeling the wet soggy mud press out from under me, the quarterback started his cadence. “Ready… set… hut!” before you could even blink bodies were smashing and you could hear the grunts and moans of the players giving their all. I took a step forward reading the o-line and then I saw the gap open up. I went full speed straight to the hole ready to meet the running back at the line of scrimmage and win the game for our team, we met not even two seconds after the ball was snapped I knew he was all mine. Then I realized that my head was too low we crashed into each other and I was hit with a flash, that’s all I remember.

       My eyes snapped open expecting to feel the rain on my face and see the players around me. But nothing, nothing but pure darkness and emptiness. I saw nothing and I felt nothing. It was hard to breath and I felt very cramped and closed in. I try to reach around all I feel is the plastic of whatever is surrounding me. I started to feel very cold, and then it hit me like a truck, I am in a body bag. They must have thought that I died. Or who knows maybe I am dead. I hear yelling and other loud noises, then I see it. A bright light coming from above. I reach for the light curious about what it is. I see it getting closer and closer and then I can see what it is. It’s one of the stadium lights. I’m back on the field I can see a opposing player laying next to me the running back… he hadn’t scored, but me… I couldn’t move. I tried to get up but I couldn’t I just laid there, I could see my teammates cheering and yelling along with the roar of the crowd. Then I saw Peter, my good friend and our starting defensive end right in front of me. Grabbing me and asking If I was okay. I tried to talk to him but I couldn’t. I closed my eyes and the next time I opened them I was in pure darkness. 

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