Deathly Deli | Teen Ink

Deathly Deli

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

I live in a small town just outside of Alabama, the population here is roughly 30,000 people. There’s everything you need here accept a good police department, but there is really no need for one because there are maybe three crimes a year. Except for that one year with Mr. and Mrs. Butler…… I remember it like it was yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Butler owned the town deli (the best deli around here for that matter) Mr. Butler was the butcher always cutting the finest meats and always at the best prices. Except for one week in December the meet was just plain out nasty not the steak, not the chicken, but the ground beef was getting people sick like crazy. People were wanting refunds and making a fuss about the whole thing. Now Ms. Butler didn’t really do anything at the shop except get on Mr. Butler’s nerves.


She came down with an illness Mr. Butler told me I couldn’t recall what it was but something about how she want going to live that much longer. Long story short she ended up dying a week before Mr. Butler’s ground beef was getting everyone very sick. Now this didn’t occur to me or anyone else in this small town of ours that Mr. Butler never had a funeral or anything for Mrs. Butler. Witch I knew they weren’t very wealthy because they lived in the upper half of the shop one bed room one bath very tight and small. So everyone we getting suspicious of where was she (her body) because no one knew a thing. I decided to find out myself and did a little investigation of my own started to ask Mr. Butler questions and find out where she went or where she is. About a week went by and he wouldn’t crack all he would say is “she’s all apart of us and will always be inside of us”. This got me really thinking about how could she be a part of us or in us? Then it hit me, the week after she died everyone got sick off of the ground beef in his shop, and I still had two pounds of the meat frozen so I got it tested in a high in lab in New York. Three days later the FBI showed up at his shop arrested him for 1st degree murder. The meat of the ground beef was her he cut her up and tried to get rid of her by feeding her to people. Now he is in jail and I got my stomach pumped. So next time you eat ground beef or any ground meet for that fact make sure you not eating another human.

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