The Missing Skeletons | Teen Ink

The Missing Skeletons

May 27, 2015
By Abigail111111 BRONZE, Tdhdhgf, Florida
Abigail111111 BRONZE, Tdhdhgf, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Colorado River was my absolute favorite place to visit during spring time. It was now May and the fresh air was very soothing. My name is Peyton, this spring I am 17 years old. This trip was already feeling different. Along the Colorado River, there were many areas to set up a campsite, but my friend Amy and I had our favorite spot.

Last year, Amy and I were here with two other girls, Penelope and Alexandria. It turns out that Amy and I ended up being closer friends out of the four of us. Penelope was the one that introduced me to Amy over a year ago. Right off the bat Amy and I clicked, we had so much in common. So last spring we all decided to go on a trip together to the Colorado River. Amy had suggested the place. I don’t think a friendship group of three ever works, and I don’t think a group of four does either. Flashing back to the past, Penelope and Alexandria were kind of very selfish people, and it showed. Especially when they were together, they were extremely selfish. Last spring Amy and I were the only ones who had packed our lawn chairs. We set them out and went to finish putting up our tent. When we were done Amy and I were ready to go have some lemonade and sit in our lawn chairs. When we got to the two lawn chairs Penelope and Alexandria were sitting in them. We tried explaining that it was only fair to us because we brought the chairs and they couldn’t sit in them only because they forgot theirs. Of course, the two selfish girls wouldn’t listen. Alexandria and Penelope had been very obnoxious and not at all fun to handle. It was the last straw. We were fed up.

That night we came up with a plan. It was just something that we had to do. Amy had Alexandria and I had Penelope. Our mission was clear. That very dark and stormy night, we both headed to Penelope and Alexandria’s tent. I grabbed ahold of Penelope’s legs and started dragging her outside of the tent. She awoke and started screaming, soon after that Penelope woke up and started screaming too. Amy had did the same thing to her that I did. It started raining and the ground was getting muddy. There was no one else in sight. I took some wire and strangled Alexandria with it. I used all my strength and it seemed to work. Amy did the same thing. As soon as it was done we felt a kind of relief. It was all over. We went back to bed and the next morning the bodies were still laying there. Amy came up with the great plan to go scuba diving. We took the two lawn chairs and tied them under the water by some huge rocks. The harder part was taking the bodies, but one at a time Amy and I helped bring each body to the lawn chair. We then tied each body to the two lawn chairs. I had grabbed the sunglasses Penelope once gave me and put them on her. Amy grabbed some cups and plates and set them right by the girls to make it look like a tea party, Amy thought it was funny and clever. The deed was done. We then left that day.

Back to the present day, Amy and I were in the same exact camping ground. We decided to go scuba diving. An older man was already in the water scuba diving. Right then and there I got nervous. Amy said to act cool and it’d be alright. The older man came out of the water and called the police. He talked to us about what he found and told us to stay out of the waters. We were stuck, we couldn't really go anywhere. The whole investigation team arrived. They brought the skeletons out and examined the bodies. We ended up just standing there in silence watching the whole time. The team then had made the announcement that the skeletons were not real but fake. Both Amy and my own jaw dropped. Where were the real bodies?

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