The Night it Happened | Teen Ink

The Night it Happened

June 4, 2015
By clennmeg20 BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
clennmeg20 BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ground breaking story that changed the life of two normal american girls. The dad did something that the whole family would never forget!!! (It is a  little gory)

Chapter 1: The Night it Happened

      “Sarah, come here,” Kara said.
     “There’s something really scary down here,” Kara said.
     “No, you’re just going to trick me again,” Sarah said.
     “You're right, I would do that, but I'm not kidding. There’s something really scary down here.”
Sarah then started for the stairs. She heard so many screams coming from down the stairs.
     “HELLO! Kara? I told you not to scare me.”
      “I’m not kidding Kara. KARA?”
     “Help me, Sarah.”
     Sarah saw an unforgettable sight.  She saw a big bloody figure hitting her sister.
     “Leave her alone you beast.”
The bloody figure then started to approach her and then it was over… not for long.

     Sarah ran outside and started screaming and screaming. The bloody figure came after her. He cut open her neck and left her outside to bleed. He came back a couple minutes later and started to jump on Sarah. Kara yelled from an unknown place.
     “Sarah, Sarah.”
     Then she was gone. Nobody ever returned that night. Then a car pulled into the driveway. It was their mom. Once she got out of the car, she found a trail of blood in the front yard leading to the up to her house. She walked inside slowly and quietly.
     Then she found Kara’s favorite teddy bear in the house with blood all over it. She screamed at the top of her lungs and fainted.

     Then that night their mom went to bed at exactly 9:00, hoping to find her girls in the morning when she woke up. Instead she found blood all over her bed with her one eye laying right next to her moving. She screamed at the top of her lungs.
     “Hello, is anybody home?”
     When she went downstairs, she found a picture of Kara and Sarah on the counter. There was a little note on the back saying… “I AM GOING TO KILL YOUR DAUGHTERS TONIGHT.” The crazy thing is that two years ago when they were living in this home, her husband went missing and there was a note from him. It said that he was going to die. Later, in the month of June he “died.”

     That same day, the girls showed up at the front door like nothing happened. Kara was giving out candy through the whole neighborhood, and Sarah was on a pogo stick hopping right behind Kara. Their mom thought it was the weirdest thing in the world. When their mom tried to talk to Kara, she turned around and screamed
     Her eyes were red. She was under a spell. So was Sarah. They were going after their mom. When Sarah finally grabbed on to her mom’s shirt she started biting her neck. Blood started spewing from her neck and mouth.

     When her mom woke up from a deep sleep she thought she had a horrible dream. She didn't, it was real. She was now under a spell or possessed. When she went into her house, it wasn't a normal house anymore, it was a horrible house that was made of of other people soul’s.  She thought it was amazing. She then started to go outside and go around to all the houses and pass out candy. She found Kara and Sarah sitting by the pool. When she went to go sit by the pool they jumped in and Kara told her mom to hop in. When she hopped in she saw…

     She saw the most amazing things. She saw an antelope being killed. She saw Her car being run over by a train. She saw horrible things, and then she started laughing. Then the water turned into blood. Sarah and Kara played in it until their mom told them to get out and go help her pass out some more candy.

     When they were passing out candy they saw one o f Sarah’s friends in the street on a scooter. Sarah ran up to her and zigzagged around her until she fell off. Then Sarah ran up to her and shot her with an arrow and bit her on the cheek. Later that day Sarah’s friend got up and started passing out candy, and possessing people like her family.

     When Sarah , her friend, her friend's mom, Sarah’s mom, and Kara got back to the hotel they saw their boss. Oh no… It was the bloody figure they saw earlier this week hitting Kara to death. It was now their boss. Their boss then told them to go find more victims to possess. And that's what they did.

     Later the next week when Kara was coming home she saw her boss. He was their dad. Kara started running home as fast as she could. She was going to tell her mom that their dad was the boss. When she got home she found everybody dead on the floor. She wanted to run and hide. Then all of a sudden it happened. Her dad hopped out from behind the sofa and hit Kara with a sledge hammer. Kara, Sarah, their mom, her friend all died that night. When Kara’s dad was going outside to get away from all of the madness he got hit by a train. That whole family did not live happily ever after.

     In the end Kara’s friends mom had a ceremony for her daughter, Kara and Sarah. Even though she had no idea what happened to her daughter she buried her with her favorite friends and her best friend, Kara’s mom.

     What you did not know was that when Sarah, Kara, and her mom’s dad “died,” He had gotten possessed by his father. He was not really dead. His father had taken him and started to beat him until he died. He let him outside, but he had done something to the body so he did not really die. When his mom got home, she found him and did the same thing that Kara’s mom did. She fainted. Then later that night his dad picked him up and taught him to be bad to everybody because his father and their fathers before that had been bad. Nobody knew what happened. Nobody ever did.

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