The Keys | Teen Ink

The Keys

June 4, 2015
By Liame BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Liame BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Jeremy is a normal high schooler just trying to get some money. You may work at some big name company or a local business by you, but he does not. Jeremy does not like his job at all because he has a part time job as a janitor at Water Edge Middle School which is the only Middle School in his district. Something strange happened at work one day. People say he quit, but I do not believe that. I think something else happened. Lets see what you have to say about Jeremy’s story…..



The sound of Jeremy's breath was loud as he ran down the empty hallway. He ducked into a classroom and slammed the door shut. With his back against the door he slid down to a sitting position, so he could catch his breath. He looked over at the clock, still breathing hard and it read 9:00pm. He sighed because his shift ended half-an-hour ago. He did not want to continue this, so he got up to see what was chasing him. He was about to open the door until…
* * *
We might want to stop here, so you can sleep tonight. Unless you like this kind of stuff. If so, you can continue to listen. I am just going to say listener discretion advised!
* * *
So back to the story… an axe flew through the wood of the door with a loud crack. It just barely missed him. Jeremy concluded that it was not a good idea to go that way, so he ran to the back of the classroom. When he got back there he saw that there was a door leading to the classroom next door, so he went into that room. He could still hear the cracking of the wood in the other room. Jeremy decided that he could not stay here forever, so he decided to open the door to the hallway and run out. He turned the knob slowly and quickly pushed the door open and sprinted down the hallway. He got a quick glimpse of what was chasing him. All he could make out was a black figure that was definitely not human! He continued to sprint down the hallway and he could tell why he did not play any sports because this was killing his lungs! He was debating on hopping into a classroom and getting out of there. You can probably understand the one he chose. HE WAS SPRINTING FOR HIS LIFE, down the hallway past all of the classrooms. Jeremy was heading straight for the front door of the school. When he got there, breathing hard, he yanked on the door and it did not budge! He pulled his keys out of his pocket and fumbled around with them. Trying to find the right key he dropped them. He quickly turned, not having time to pick them up and he tried to run down the hallway, but…
* * *
Okay you know what we should just stop there, so I can sleep tonight and I can just tell you another time and ohh… I will skip to the next day. Yeah, that’s a good idea!
* * *
As school started the next day, kids were getting off the busses to get inside. There were no blood splatters, holes in doors or anything! It looked just like every other day at school until one of the kids coming inside saw a bunch of keys on a keychain.


The author's comments:

This peice is told from 1st, 2end and 3erd position because someone is telling a camp fire story.

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