One Way Out | Teen Ink

One Way Out

June 1, 2015
By Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scaling the tall deserted skyscraper, up I went, only knowing freedom was at the top. The city was in ruins, rocks and rubble lined the roads and took place of the once so distant memory of cars and people. The plague had changed the people. They were vicious demons that only the thirst for the living drove their minds. The mob sat at the base of the building, reaching up and chomping the air as if my warm living flesh was closer than it really was. I put my focus back to the top of the skyscraper. All of the survivors I met had mentioned this place. At the top was freedom from the horrible plague. At the top was my chance at survival and safety. I looked at my reflection in the glass with hopeful eyes. Staring into my soul, I prepared for what lied up top. Was this excitement I was feeling? I couldn't be sure. Up and up I went, merging closer to the top. Hook after hook I drilled into the building. Extending my cord and clasping it to the next hook. The top of the building was so close now I could feel the warmth of the safety from above. Ten feet, nine feet, eight. I could almost grab the the rooftop. Reaching up, I grasped the top of the building. Pulling myself up to the top of the building only to be face to face with a sign that said, “Jump.”

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