The Ice Pick | Teen Ink

The Ice Pick

June 1, 2015
By Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold pierced her jacket as she pushed on through the snow. Jen’s hair blew violently behind her as she clenched her jacket trying to stay warm. The wind howled in her ears and it was as if it was the only noise she could hear. *Crunch. Crunch. Crack.* She turned only to see nothing but snow behind her. She could have sworn she heard footsteps in the snow behind her. “Maybe I’m just hearing things, I can’t think straight in this cold. She turned and continued to walk along the path. Ahead of her, she noticed footsteps, someone had just been through there recently; but there was one problem. The footprints just started in the middle of the path. There were no signs of any other movement. It was almost as if they just appeared and walked for a while. Jen followed the footprints until they stopped about 20 yards from the start. She glanced behind her only to see that the second set of footprints were gone. the only footprints left were hers. It was as if this other being didn’t ever exist. Something small dropped by her vision. She looked down and saw a small round red indent in the snow. It was blood, and it was still warm because it melted the snow around it. Jen dared to look up for she feared what was above her. She slowly looked up to see what looked like a body encased in ice. blood dripped from a hole in the ice that revealed the wound in the man’s chest. Jen stumbled back letting out a shriek. She stood and began to run not knowing where she could go. She couldn’t see anything except white snow. Everything was white and all she could feel was cold. The frost in her mouth and throat restrained her breathing. Jen had to slow down and catch her breath. In the distance she could see the shadowy outline of someone standing in the snow. “Hey!” she called out. The figure didn’t move. “Help me!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. The figure began to move towards her. He stopped a few feet in front of her. “Please help me I found…..”  Jen stopped as she could see the figure of the man’s face. She stared in horror as she realized it was the mountain climber that died she had seen on the news. Her heart began to race as the bloody ice pic came into view, resting so peacefully in his hand. A smile merged onto the man’s face as he raised the ice pic above his head. The wind was all that was heard that night.

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