Wild one | Teen Ink

Wild one

June 1, 2015
By Jonathan Koenig BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
Jonathan Koenig BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I did not choose to be like this, though I don’t mind it. I would rather be who I am now then to be “normal”. My name is James Campbell I live in Glencoe , Illinois. My hobbies consist of watching movies, cooking, exercise, playing almost any instruments, reading, listening to music, blending into society, drugs, and acting on a extreme  behavior almost every day. The date is July 18th 2007., I wake up at 6:00 A.M. to take a shower, at 6:20 I am done. I brush my teeth, dry my hair, and shave and do every thing else Ii have to to become near perfect in appearance. I get dressed and head into my kitchen to make breakfast. I am always in the best physical shape, but that takes effort, it is all for a good cause though. Me being this way I have to eat healthy, so i decide to eat eggs cooked over easy with a side of different types of fruit and a greek yogurt. I usually down this all with tea. It is now 7:00-- I have to leave my house at 8:30 to arrive on time for work I give myself  about two hours and thirty minutes to get ready for the day on weekdays,, but weekends and days off I sleep in till about 9:00 A.M. because beauty sleep is a thing. In my extra time before I leave I decide to get a few reps in, I like the burn it keeps me focused and more aware and I think it  is one of the only things on this earth that makes me feel normal. I now leave the house at 8:30 I drive a $100,500 silver audi RS 7.

I burst out of my driveway at an alarming speed. My neighborhood has a maximum speed limit of 15 mph, but my car, on the other hand, has a horsepower of over 550 and what is the point of all the power with no where to use it?. I have now reached 70 mph still in the 15 mph zone, everyone has either already left for work or are just coming back so it is no surprise that the streets are empty. I am now on a long stretch of road to push this car’s limits even further. I have now hit 140 mph--that’s when my hearing starts to go faint and my vision begins to blur. It feels as if I am entering another dimension I begin to feel a cold sensation coursing through my finger and forearms, I hear a loud crash interrupting my almost hypnotizing trance I pull over as soon as I can, put the car into park and proceed to exit my car. He laid there motionless in the fetal position with his right arm covering his face, he wears a blue torn sweater and grey sweatpants with stains in them. I now approached the mangled corpse of what appears to be a homeless man, assuming this factor when i realize he has no shoes or socks and a bushy grey beard. This man had not showered or eaten in weeks, he was already suffering. In a sly movement i lift and hurl the body into my trunk. “ I always speed down this f***ing road” I say out loud as I enter my car again. I felt anger towards this man not because he had dented my expensive car but because he had interrupted my “me” time. I arrived five minutes early to work with the body still in the trunk. I work at a hospital as a master surgeon and have been for the past eight years. I decide to snag a yellow body bag as soon as i enter this maze of a building I then quickly return to my car I left back in the parking garage. After I had  filled the bag I then enter the back entrance of the hospital, “what ya got in the bag there James?” I hear from behind me. I turn around with a smile on my face, “ah Seamus” I say acting as if I’m thrilled to see the Janitor.

The author's comments:

THis is just the start to my work

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