Apartment C5 | Teen Ink

Apartment C5

June 4, 2015
By Angeline034 BRONZE, Lebec, California
Angeline034 BRONZE, Lebec, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay it's not the end.

The clock struck 7:45 on a Friday morning. It was time for me to go to work. I slipped on my plain high heels and headed to the elevator. As the doors opened, some guy I had never seen before smiled generously. I was hoping he wouldn’t talk to me because I am not a morning person whats-so-ever and I didn’t get a chance to make my coffee either. While I was waiting for the elevator to get on the main floor, I could feel the man staring at me. I kept staring at the doors, acting like I didn’t notice. 

“Hey, I’m Ben I just moved into apartment C5.” He said still smiling.
C5 has been vacant since I moved here; so about 3 years. It’s four doors down from my apartment, at the very end of the hall.
“Nice to meet you Ben.” I said trying to avoid any more conversation with him.
The elevator doors finally opened and I swiftly walked out.
*  *  *  *  *  *
After I got done with work, I went to get dinner at Panda Express with two of my co-workers. Even though we work together we don’t always have time to catch up.
“How’s everything going at home Ava?” one of them asked.
“It’s fine, I’m looking for a house to rent right now, I think it’s about time I moved.”
“That’s great! When you find a place we could help you move if you want.”
“I will definitely take up that offer.” I said smiling.
We finished our food and then walked out. As we were saying goodbye I turned to walk home and saw the man who was in the elevator, Ben, standing across the street staring at me. He didn’t move, he just stood there. My heart starting racing. I immediately decided to take the other street to the long way home.
*  *  *  *  *  *
10:45 on a Saturday morning came. I stretched out my arms and got out of bed. I prepped my coffee and a bagel and sat on my bay window. It was raining hard and the news the night before even said a chance of thunder. I grabbed the morning paper to look at the houses for rent section. There was one 10 miles from my apartment complex that was right in my budget range. I called the real estate person who was selling it and they said I could come look at it today whenever I was free. I quickly got ready, grabbed my purse and locked my door.
As I was locking my door, I felt someone staring at me. I looked to the right and saw Ben. Although, he wasn’t staring at me, but at his door. I started to feel uneasy, I was debating whether I should ask if something was wrong or not. For some reason I actually did.
“..Ben? Is everything alright?”
No answer.
“Are you locked out Ben?”
He turned towards me. His face looked horrible, his under eyes were dark and his body looked a little bit skinnier. I stood there practically frozen. I wanted to run to the elevator, but for some reason I just couldn’t. I started to shiver. He walked a couple steps towards me, then stopped and smiled. Just then the elevator door opened and I ran towards it. In a hurry I pushed the button to the main floor.
*  *  *  *  *  *
The house I looked at is 1 bedroom, 1 bath which was perfect for me. I decided to get it while I had the chance and money for it. I was scheduled to move in within 2 days. I was ready to get out of my apartment and start a new chapter in my life.
Monday morning I called out of work, so I could move into my new house. My neighbor Patty was nice enough to help me pack and load up the U-Haul truck. I didn’t see Ben at all yesterday and so far today. It lifted a little weight off my shoulders to not see him.
*  *  *  *  *  *
Patty came with me to the new house to help unload. We started to get a couple boxes out of the truck and into the house. I came back out and noticed someone staring at me across the street, waving at me. Ben.
She ran out of the house, “What’s wrong Ava?”
I pointed across the street, “Look! He’s been following me everywhere!”
She looked back at him, then back at me in disbelief.
She cleared her throat, “That’s Ben. Um, there’s no easy way to tell you this Ava…but he died several years ago... No one knows exactly how.”
“You’re kidding right? Tell me you’re kidding!” I said frightened.
“He attaches himself to certain people and the last person he was attached to mysteriously disappeared”. 

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