Belle's Mystery | Teen Ink

Belle's Mystery

June 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Belle walked into her apartment and kissed her fiance on the cheek. Recently Peter, her fiance, had proposed to Belle, she was so happy and excited to spend the rest of her life with him. She came home and said, “Hi, honey I have tomorrow off from work do you want to go do something tomorrow?” Peter answered, “Sure, that would great we haven’t gotten to see each other much.” They soon went off to bed and Belle felt something different inside her apartment. She was up half the night.
    Soon morning came and Belle and Peter were getting ready to go see a movie. While Peter was in the shower and Belle was putting on her makeup, Belle heard the door open and then it closed. She walked out to see if anyone was there, but there wasn’t, she thought it was just her imagination. She started to think their apartment was haunted or something. Belle thought to herself, “I am not going to tell Peter about this because  I don’t want him to become upset.”
    Belle yelled to Peter in the shower, “ I am going to the grocery store, I will be right back.” Peter didn’t hear her. He finished showering and dried off. He called Belle’s name, but she wasn’t there. Soon the clock started clicking really fast, the TV turned on by itself, the tea pot started to whistle, the door soon flew wide open and something was there knocking things off the walls. Before Peter knew it he was on the floor screaming, he was puking up blood. He was then dead. Peter was magically put onto the bed with a tarp covering him something had slit his throat open.
    Belle came home and saw a trail of blood leading to the bedroom. She cowardly yelled, “Peter, are you here?” “I’m in the bedroom honey,” said Peter. She followed the trail of blood into the bedroom, she screamed. She ran out and was soon dragged back into the bedroom and was tied to her side of the bed next to Peter. On top of her laid a baby, a real one not talking, possibly asleep or dead. Belle was screaming for help, but no one came.
    Eventually someone across the hall heard her, but they were afraid to enter because the door written in blood said enter if you dare. The person decided they should go in and check on Belle and Peter. They came in and saw the trail of blood and said, “Belle! Peter! Are you here?” Then Belle was screaming for help, the neighbor walked in and saw Belle being tortured by a spiritual ghost. The person untied Belle and they ran out of the bedroom rapidly. Belle seemed brain washed and wanted to go see her husband. The neighbor left because he didn’t want to get involved in this horror story.
    Belle went to her church and insisted on having the wedding, but she wanted it the next day. The church found out that Peter has been dead for a few days now. The church did not accept her request, they thought she killed Peter and was going crazy. People thought she was definitely crazy and they even thought she could have become possessed. Most people were right in their own theories, she was possessed, but not everyone knew this.
    She insisted on having a wedding so she did. Belle was making the wedding herself and the baby is going to say the vows. One bright, sunny, morning the wedding was held in the parking lot for their apartment facility. The baby said, “do you take Belle as your wife?” Peter said, “ I do.” The Belle grabbed Peter and kissed him on his dry lips. They were so happy and Belle and Peter were both dead, but their dead spirits were keeping their body alive. The two lived happily ever after, at least for a month.
    One day the police came into their lives and thought that the whole situation was really creepy. He ended up putting the two in jail for lying to a cop. People thought they died in jail, but then their spirits flew away and went to the opposite of heaven. The devil commanded them to go haunt people on Earth. So if you ever see something creepy, it might be Peter and Belle.

The author's comments:

This piece is kind of creepy, so if you don't like scary things, don't read this.

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