Vanished | Teen Ink


May 29, 2015
By Francisca Gaytan BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Francisca Gaytan BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A young woman, in her early twenties is looking for the love of her life. She ended up dating many, but was interested in only one, the one who vanished unexpectedly in her senior year at Henry Charles High School in Michigan. This young lady named Beth, hasn’t dated anyone since that moment once she lost her soon to be husband, Jeff. It’s been five years she’s been wondering why he disappeared in an unexpected moment and nobody knew why, not even his closest friends. This curiosity made her investigate more into this case to get over her depression of losing this boy. They both loved each other very much so why would he be gone the next day without saying goodbye? They were a very peaceful understanding couple, and were together for about 4 years. Not only did they love each other but they cared for each other as if they were married already. Everyone believed they would last a life time together and once Jeff left out of no where, everyone was surprised and showed sympathy for Beth’s broken heart. Beth of course wanted comfort at the time and the boy’s at her school always wanted to be there since they wanted a shot to be with such an attractive girl. But Beth wasn’t as easy as they thought , she was smart to not fall for those little boy tricks of having a move on her, she neglected each one. Beth was about 5’6” , with long beautiful straight brown hair and brown eyes. She had a very nice figured body as of a grown woman would have for her age which caused a lot of attention on campus with the males there. She wasn’t just about the looks though, but also of the brains, she loved learning and was very intelligent in every subject. As of Jeff, he was the same in being very smart, but also very athletic. He even was one that all the females tried to get at as well, but none interested him as much as Beth did. Jeff had a built up body, light brown skin, short black hair and green eyes. His height was two inches taller than Beth, so 5’8”. It seemed as if they were made for each other since the first day they met, they had that feeling they would be.
As Beth finished high school she went straight to college, since she got a scholarship for being so academic. So she studied to be a teacher, since she loved working with kids. After about four years ,she graduated from there and started applying for jobs in Los Angeles, CA. Since her college was in that area she decided to live there as well. So now she’s starting a new life , with a pretty decent job to have a bit extra money after bills and rent, life was pretty good at the moment. But also very lonely, so she was giving up on ever finding that one who got away. Until one day she decided to go walk at the park near by her home, where she seen a man who looked similar to Jeff. He was just sitting on the bench with a young lady beside him. So she started to doubt it was him, but went in for a closer look. The lady left, “so I guess it was just a random stranger,” she said in her head. As she got closer, she noticed that the man sitting on the bench had the same birthmark on the side of his neck shaped as a heart as Jeff did. She then was shocked and froze up, it was really him. But she wasn’t sure to go ask him why he disappeared in high school and never said a word why. What if he moved on? , she said. Its been so long we haven’t talked to each other does he even remember me anymore? So many questions came into her head while looking at him from the swing set. But once he noticed she was looking , he said, “Beth is that you?” She immediately turned pink from being nervous and looked away. He started approaching her with a big smile of finally seeing her again. As he was 3 feet away from her he said “Aw, you still get shy around me, really Beth?” “No, just I’m surprised to see i’ve finally found you after so many years. So Jeff, why did you leave me without saying goodbye?” she felt so embarrassed she wasn’t thinking, she just had so much anger for what he did to her and wanted to know why he was so cruel and did that. “Well, I didn’t have a choice Beth I was under aged and my mother was passing away here in Los Angeles it was her chose to die here and I didn’t want to tell you because you get so emotional and she died the morning you didn’t see me and I never spoke a word to anyone after. I was so mad at the world for this tragedy, that’s part of the reason why I never contacted you Beth. Even also I had to stay in this place because I only had family here after my mother passed away. I’m so sorry that I broke your heart. I’ve missed you these passed years Beth I still love you , but I know you already moved on in your life with out me after I did that jerk move of leaving you with out a reason. I really am sorry Beth. If it makes you feel any better I never had any other relationship after you.” Beth started crying from mixed emotions, she didn’t know to feel sad for the death of his mother, be mad at him for leaving, or be happy he still loves her and never moved on. He hugged her and gave her a kiss saying, “I love you so much Beth.” she replied with her sobbing voice, “I love you so much too Jeff.”
After a year passed of Jeff and Beth dating again, they decided to get married finally at the age of 26. Their wedding wasn’t as big as in the movies, but enough of friends and family around to feel appreciated to have them in their lives to support their eternal love together. They had a fantastic honeymoon after in Hawaii. After returning to Los Angeles after a week, Beth started having morning sicknesses and they both knew why , she was pregnant with their first child. After a few months they found out it was a boy they were going to have and they were both very happy. Both of them started spreading the news of what gender the baby was going to be and then came the baby shower. Beth had so much fun with the little gifts her friends and family gave her for the baby, it made her feel great she was going to be a mother with so much support. The baby came finally and Jeff was there with her the whole time. Life was great for the both of them, they finally found each other after so long , to be a happy growing family. No more wondering what happened to Jeff, and Beth is at peace of mind finally in her life.
Until one day Jeff started neglecting that their son wasn’t his. He kept saying he wasn’t the father, because the son didn’t have his eyes. The baby boy had brown eyes as his mother. Beth then explained there was a 50% chance the child could have had one color of the parents eyes. He still didn’t believe a word she said, he was in rage all of a sudden after he came back from work. She then wondered what made him be like this, it might have been his co-workers that convinced him by telling their stories of them not being the father. “Yeah, that could be the reason why,” she thought. She went to get a DNA test with him and their child the next day to calm him down and the results came positive, Jeff was really the father .He then said sorry to Beth of not having faith that she didn’t cheat .Jeff then started becoming more over protective over Beth these next months. She started growing suspicion that he might be the one cheating, instead of actually having overtime on some days.
The next time she got a text from him saying he’s
going to stay later at work, she left the baby with her aunt which was her neighbor and went straight to his work immediately. She got there under 10 minutes by going on the freeway. She was so anxious to see if he really stays at work or goes out to see a mistress. She parked about 20 feet away from his car so he wouldn’t notice she was there. After 5 minutes of waiting, he comes out and goes in his car and starts driving to a restaurant. She was two cars behind him, once he parked she parked a couple spaces away. The great advantage of this restaurant was that it was an outdoor restaurant. She could see everything from her car, it was a perfect view from where she parked. The table he went to sit at had a woman sitting there and she then knew he was cheating after all. He even kissed and hugged the blonde woman before he sat down and had lunch with her. It was official, she was right from the start when she suspected it. She took a video as proof of him kissing her and everything else for the divorce. After Jeff and the lady ate, the woman got in the car and they both ended up going to her home.
But once Jeff parked the car, the door of the house opened and this little boy about 5 years came out , running to him. Beth then knew he had another family and was a fool for having trust for him. She was so disappointed and filled with hate she drove off back home. She would’ve maybe have given him another chance after seeing him kiss that woman, but a hidden family , that’s just absurd to let him get away with that. She kept thinking of that scene of the boy hugging Jeff, “why couldn’t he have been honest and said he had a new life with another woman? ”Beth started having psychotic thoughts of killing him. She had a perfect plan, and decided to go along with it. She just had to convince herself she didn’t see nothing earlier that day of him for a few days so he wouldn’t suspect anything from her weird behavior. As their anniversary was coming she chose that would be a perfect anniversary gift for him.
It’s that day she’s been waiting for, Beth and Jeff are going to a second honeymoon but this time something more different.. they’re off to Africa while the baby stays with its aunt. They already flew there and are at a hotel near the wild life. Once it hits night, they’re going by car to see the wild life. Beth hopes they spot a lion or a leopard soon to just push Jeff off. Beth is driving and she got a tip of where they would spot them the most. Then up ahead on the corner of her right eye she seen a lion awake, he seemed like he was hungry. So she started driving closer to it and Jeff started saying to stop getting near it. She didn’t listen and unlocked the car while the lion was approaching on the side Jeff was on. As she opened the door with gloves on of course, she pushed him out and closed the door and drove off quickly. She could hear Jeff screaming nasty comments to her, then him screeching in pain , but she was finally happy that she didn’t have to deal with that jerk no more. She then went to report a lion ate her husband while he went out the car to pee to the officers in Africa and they didn’t suspect a thing from her amazing acting of tears going down her face. She then went back home and told everyone what happened to Jeff with a sad face to convince them and they believed her. Now she’s living with her aunt and having a good life with her son.

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