Not Just A Decoration | Teen Ink

Not Just A Decoration

May 22, 2015
By Talia LaSpina BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Talia LaSpina BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My husband and I are visiting my parents in California. It’s raining and we are in the middle of Nevada, at least we think that’s where we are. Our cell service has been dead for the past 37 minutes, and we are running out of gas on this highway. No way of knowing where the next gas station is, we pull into this motel, in the middle of nowhere, on the side of the highway.
It’s gray, but we think that it used to be white, and 2 stair cases are broken. There is also crime tape around one of the three buildings. We enter a small little beat up shack that must be the main office. We are just looking for a phone to use, we need to call my mother and father. We also need to ask anybody where the closest place that we can get gas is. We walk in and stop quickly, frightened. There is blood and tombstones everywhere, then we realize that it’s almost Halloween. I also thought that must be why there is caution tape around one of the buildings, just a Halloween decoration.
Their phones were also out and the next gas station is 17 miles away. Our car won’t make it that far and we are tired, so we got a room just for the night. The clerk gave us room 13, second floor, and handed us some candles, “the power may be out”.
We get into the room and the first thing that I do is take a shower. There was an awful, foul smell and I thought it was me. I’ve been in a car for 19 hours, haven’t showered in two days. Driving across the country can really make a person reek.
While I’m in the shower, the smell gets stronger and I realize that there is an air vent right next to me. As I get closer to it, the odor gets worse. We go up to the main office thinking that maybe a rat or some other animal had died in there. The clerk closes the main office and comes to check it out.
He confirms that the smell is definitely coming through the air vents but there was nothing in that particular vent. While looking for other vents in the motel room, my lazy husband decides to lay down. So the clerk and I are the only people looking for the source of this horrid scent. We find two more vents, one by the door and one behind the bed. We open the one by the door and flash the light in there…nothing. But something touches my husband, who is still laying on the bed. He tries to blame it on me, but I’m on the other side of the room. We look at my husband, the clerk and I then see what we didn’t see a few minutes ago, a finger hanging out of the side of the bed.
So, us thinking that this is another Halloween decoration, we go to pull it out, and it wouldn’t budge. So the clerk and my husband cut open the mattress. A girl rolls out onto their ankles. The clerk then points the knife at us and we start running away from the dead body that we had just discovered. The clerk followed us on our heels, screaming “you nosey people, now it’s your turn!!!!”.

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