Giving gifts | Teen Ink

Giving gifts

June 16, 2015
By henry jean BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
henry jean BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All her life susan wanted the perfect life. To mary her highschool sweetheart and settle down in her hometown in upstate New York. Her husband Mark was a successful stockbroker on wall street and always came home at the end of the day to spend time with his wife. Though Mark worried, for Susan was home alone for several hours each day. He didn't know what he feared most, Susan being murdered when he wasn't there or her cheating on him. Mark kept these frightful feelings silent. Mark and Susan had the perfect life for a newlywed couple they were even thinking about having kids. On a monday, the start of a long work week for Mark, Susan heard the doorbell ring soon after her husband left. She went to the door to find no one. She heard the sound of a car peeling off in the distance, and when she looked down she saw a bouquet of flowers. Pink roses. She picked them up to read the note attached, but cut herself of the thorns that had not been removed. She walked in the house sucking the blood off her finger and read the note. Susan, my love you are the most lovely women in the world. You will be mine. -anonymous. Susan laughed, Mark always played pranks on her like this. When Mark came home that night he saw the flowers in a vause in the kitchen and questioned Susan. She told him not to play dumb and thank him for the flowers. Mark insisted he did not send them. They found this a bit odd, but kept the flowers.

A week went by and the flowers stayed alive. Mark continued to go to work everyday and Susan stayed home pursuing various hobbies. The flowers sat in the back of both Mark and Susan's mind though they never spoke of them since they arrived. On the next tuesday about an hour after Mark left for the city the doorbell rang again. Susan answered to find no one once again. Nothing but a box at her feet. She couldn't help but feel she was being watched. She uneasily brought the package inside and set it on the coffee table. She waited a while but the curiosity was killing her so she ripped the box open. Inside was a box of chocolates and a hand painted portrait of her. The painting was done in such detail she even saw every freckle on her face. She put everything back in the box and put it outside. When mark came home that night he saw the package out side and though it strange. He walks in to and pacing Susan who runs to hug him. “Mark I got the strangest package today. Someone sent me a box of chocolates and a painting of me. No return address no note.” Mark looked concerned. In the back of his mind he suspected her of lying. Susan knew mark was the jealous type so when the next few gifts came she hid them from him or threw them out. Mark knew something was up. He saw empty boxes and gift bags in the trash. He questioned Susan about it and he shrugged and said she got more gift from an anonymous person. The curiosity and jealousy poked at Mark. The next day Mark stayed home from work and told his wife he was sick. Susan went out to run some errands, and Mark waited until the doorbell rang. He sprinted to the door and swung it open to find no one. Just an unmarked box. He slowly took it inside. The weight of it surprised him as he set it down on the table. He tore the package open to find a gun. He took the heavy gun in his hand and saw it was loaded. He dropped the gun in fear and fell back on the coach. He sat to thinking for while. Who was this gun from? Mark When susan came home later that day what she saw to her terror was a crying Mark, gun in hand aimed at her face. Before she could speak, before any other sound besides Marks weeping could be heard there was a bang. Susan fell to the floor as blood soon collected in a pool around her motionless body. Mark fell to his knees and dropped the gun before him. His hands open face up resting on his thighs. The anonymous man had given Susan many gifts, but they all didn’t matter because the last one she got was the gift of death.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a prompt given to me by my treacher when I had pretty bad writters block. I hope this piece is as exiting and thrilling to read as it was to write.

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