Time. | Teen Ink


July 16, 2015
By Leanna Gheer BRONZE, Anita, Iowa
Leanna Gheer BRONZE, Anita, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Alix jerked awake for he heard a strange noise, it sounded like children giggling. He stayed awake for a few more minutes, but never heard it again. As he started falling back to sleep, he heard the giggling once again. He sat up and looked over at his clock that was on the dresser across the room from him. It was four in the morning. The moon was shinning on everything it touched, making large shadows everywhere.


Alix closed his eyes, but he felt like he was being watched. He opened his eyes again, he saw the shadows in his room were moving, not in the normal way, but in a way that felt alive. The giggles were getting louder and louder. The wind picked up howling through his window.


The shadows were getting closer and closer. Alix closed his eyes hoping that they would disappear. The wind finally died down, and he opened his eyes to see that nothing was there; the shadows looked the same before, and the giggling had stopped too.


It was quiet. The silence was deafening; he was trying to calm his own heart, when suddenly, he felt the blankets move and something snake around his ankles from under the blanket, and it jerked him from his bed!


He was being dragged into a shadowy abyss, thrown through the darkness, his body smacking into the walls on the side breaking many bones when he hit. Creatures were dragging him down, he kept trying to hold onto the walls, but they kept pulling him off, and now he was in a free fall straight for the bottom.


Alix tried relentlessly to grab the walls, but he was falling to fast, they just cut up his hands. He started seeing the bottom of the abyss; it was getting closer and closer.


The next morning, his neighbor, Sam, went to look for him, realizing that he has not seen Alix yet like he normally does in the mornings. Sam found him in his bed; his heart had stopped sometime in the night, he had died in his sleep.

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