Mort's Phantom | Teen Ink

Mort's Phantom

September 15, 2015
By hannahmac BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
hannahmac BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mort’s’ Phantom

As Kimber stood in the dim developing room, she thought about the day while permeating her photos in the chemicals. Her photography teacher, Mr. Mort, was more stringent than usual today. During class she broke a film canister, causing him to inveigh her in front of all her classmates. Now, she was in the photo lab after school making up the project she failed to complete in class.  Feeling lassitude, she wandered out of the developing room and into the main one to grab the last packet of pictures. Today seemed to go on for a millennium. 
Kimber lolled back into the routine of processing photos when she heard a harsh buzzing. It almost sounded like a lawn mower but it wasn’t loud enough, and seemed to be coming from overhead. She rolled her head back, then her shoulders, and sighed. It was only a honey bee. While rotating to face the table again, time felt as if every millisecond was a freeze frame video. Click. Her elbow hits the table. Click. The ebony Nikon camera starts to fall. Click. The claustrophobic room illuminates with a flash. Click. Kimberly brings her hands up to shield her face. Click. Click. Click. The camera smashes on the concrete floor.

Realizing what happened, Kimber dives to the floor and tries to salvage anything she can. While searching amongst the rumble, she spotted the memory stick—the most intrinsic part of the camera survived. Relieved, she walked to the main room again and gingerly inserted the memory stick into the computer. What is Mr. Mort going to do now? Kimber thought. Sifting through the pictures, she noticed the photos were all there. Although the last image looked unusual. The photo had no blur, it was almost as if she took it herself. As she analyzed it for a few minutes, she spotted a gauntly white figure in the back of the room. There were her arms, the other tables, and the shape of person. The boy looked almost identical to Mr. Morts’ son before he passed away. Could this be some occult force? Thought Kimber. 

Kimber decided to walk to Mr.Morts’ office to tell him how she broke the camera, and about the ominous discovery. The cracked sidewalk outside collected rain drops as she walked. Even though it had been cloudy all day, it only now started to precipitate. Knock, Knock, Knock Kimber tapped the wooden frame with her knuckles. “Come in,” Mr.Mort responded. She swung open the door, and popped her head in. “Can I talk to you for a second?” She questioned. “I said ‘come in’ didn’t I?” He replied. “Right, sorry,” she apologized, “Um, I just wanted to let you know I am so sorry,” she said exaggerating the so. “For what, did you break something else? You’re racking up quite a tab,” he said with a smirk. Kimber responded, “Yes, and I will pay for it but I found something on the memory stick.” Mr.Mort sighed, “What it is? Hopefully the photos I took.” Kimber plugged in the card, and pulled up the last picture on the roll.

“What I am looking at?” he asked. He saw the boy identical to his son, but denied any thought of a spectres. “The back of the room. I didn’t press the button to take the picture, but as it was falling it somehow—“Kimber stated. “Do you want to say some sort of magician or interloper came in and took it for you?” he barked. He knew it wasn’t her fault the camera flashed, but he was shocked to see his son after a year.  Kimber continue, “I know, an, and I’m only surmising here, but maybe something from the paranormal realm was present and—“she was cut off again. “Look, there are no such things as ghost, please go finish your work. It’s almost 4:30.” Mr. Mort interrupted. “O-okay. Sorry.” Kimber replied embarrassed. As she sulked out of his office, both Kimber and her teacher couldn’t help but think about the picture. Is there something from the great beyond in the photograph, or was it an accident?

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