Jasmine | Teen Ink


September 21, 2015
By punkgamer2018 BRONZE, El Dorado, Kansas
punkgamer2018 BRONZE, El Dorado, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fairy tails don't tell children the dragons exist, children already know that dragons exist, fairy tails tell children that dragons can be killed. ~G. K. Chesterton

It all started when a little girl named Jasmine and her family moved into a house near the lake.  They had always been a pretty close family however, only a couple days after they moved in, Jasmine’s father, Stan, became moody and began distancing himself from the rest of the family.  He started a new routine: he would go into the garage that was connected to the house as soon as he got home from work; he would stay there until every one else had gone to bed.  Some nights he even slept in a chair in the garage.  If someone came in it was usually okay, but if Stan ever had to come out, he would agitated and angry—he would often curse at them.  Jasmine noted these changes in her dad.  It began to seem like she was no longer Daddy’s favorite.  Instead, it seemed as if her dad no longer had a favorite. 
One day in the summer, around the fourth of July, when her parents were at work and her little brother Peter was at daycare, Jasmine went into the garage in search of a lighter, even though her father told her never to go into the garage.  She found a lighter, and when she was on her way out she heard whispering coming from the attic above.  Though she could not make out what was being whispered, she knew that it could not be a human because the door was locked from the outside.  Instead of investigating, she brushed it off, thinking it was nothing.  As she was walking into the house, she heard a loud bang from the garage that startled her.  She ran back into the garage to find that the attic door had been broken open and the lock was on the floor. 
For weeks after that incident creepy things continued to happen, she also had a feeling that she was being watched.  About a month later, Jasmine came home from school to find her father dead on the garage floor.  She called the police, and they taped off the room.  After being questioned she overheard the medical examiner say that he died of fright, and that he was literally “scared to death.”
Jasmine called her best friend Kat to tell her the tragic news.  “Hey?” Kat answered.
“Stan’s dead” Jasmine cried.
“What? How?” Kat exclaimed.
“I don’t know, I just came home and found him dead in the garage.”
“Did you call the police?” Kat asked.
“No, no of course I didn’t call the police. He’s only dead” Jasmine yelled sarcastically.
“Ok, geez you don’t have to be sarcastic about it,” Kat barked. “Do you know what happened?”
“Well I over heard the Medical Examiner saying the he might have been ‘literally scared to death.’”
“Do you know what might have scared him?” Kat asked.
“No I…” it was at that moment Jasmine turned around to see the attic door open and someone or something run into it. “I’ve got to go, I’ll call you back in a little while,” and with that she hung up the phone.
Ducking under the police tape she walked into the garage careful not to disturb any evidence. Jasmine then peeked into the attic; she did not see anyone so she decided it was okay to go on in. She took a step in, and then fell through the kitchen ceiling. After that Jasmine’s mom decided it was time to move.  She could not stand being in that house any longer.
“Finally, no more ghosts” Jasmine said to herself while unloading boxes from the car.
“I call the upstairs,” yelled Peter.
“No! Mom said I get the upstairs Peter,” Jasmine stated.
“But why?”
“It’s not like you sleep in your own bed anyways!” Jasmine yelled.
“Whatever, I call this room,” Peter said walking into the kitchen. Jasmine rolled her eyes and walked upstairs into her room and placed the last box on the floor.
They had only been living there for two months, when Kat and Jasmine decided to walk to the beach.  A man followed them from the gas station into the bait shop, and then to an elementary school before they finally lost him.  That night, someone tried to break in Jasmines house while Kat and Jasmine were sleeping in the dining room.  It had them both panicked, and two days later the two of them where sleeping on Kat’s trampoline, when a guy jumped into Kat’s back yard.  Jasmine went home the next day more paranoid then ever.
She was in the dining room doing homework while her mother was asleep, when someone knocked on the back door rapidly. Jasmine jumped out of her seat before getting up to open the door, but when she walked into the kitchen she heard something hit the celling fan, she turned around and nothing in the room had moved an in inch.
She opened the door to find Peter’s friend, Austin.  “Hey is…?”
“No he’s at his grandma Tiff’s house,” Jasmine said before he even finished.  She walked back to the dinning room and continued on her algebra homework.   Shortly after sitting down, her cat, Fries, jumped up on the ledge of the railing that leads to her room.  She thought it was really strange because the cat kept staring up into her room even though the lights were off and no one was up there. Eventually, she got tired of doing her algebra homework and decided to take a break from it and watch some T.V.
It was getting late so Jasmine decided it was about time to go to bed.  Fries, was still sitting creepily on the ledge of the stairs.  He only moved when Jasmine walked up stairs.  She thought it was weird how the cat only went up after she did, so she stopped midway, and Fries turned around and looked at her until she started walking up again.  When they got into her room, the cat jumped up on her bed and stared at the ceiling.  Jasmine thought if was a little weird, but then again, cats are weird; she was plugging in her phone when she heard something on the stairs.  She walked over to the steps, and nothing was there.  She went back to her room, and laid down on her bed when she heard something on the stairs again.  This time, she grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight app.  Jasmine walked down stairs to find someone sitting in the living room on the couch.
“Who are you?” she asked hesitantly.  When no one responded, he asked again, when there was no response for the second time, she angrily walked in front of the person only to realize the person was her.  It was at that moment when realized she that she was not Jasmine.  This stranger was Jasmine, and she was the ghost.

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