Stained Purity | Teen Ink

Stained Purity

September 21, 2015
By TheDan BRONZE, Saint James, New York
TheDan BRONZE, Saint James, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He’s unable to see to the monstrosity of an incident ahead of him. He’s about to encounter the wickedness of the world that he’s never seen. His beautiful soul hasn’t witnessed what true misery is. These ear piercing screams echo through his body. His mind begins to wonder what is occurring around him. Fear begins to rise in his body as he struggles to escape from the hell around him. Each attempt of escaping from the icy cold handcuffs, he feels his wrist burning from the friction. The adrenaline rushing through his body is giving him strength to not give up. His pale hands begin to shake more and more as he realizes that each attempt, to no avail. Chills begin to run throughout his body as he notices that the screaming comes to a sudden stop. He hears a faint sound of footsteps but they begin to get louder and louder as if they are getting closer and closer. He freezes with fear as he feels a presence in front of him. The thickness of the tension between them, become so coarse that it’s impossible to breathe. He feels delicate fingers touch his face. As they come in contact with skin, it leaves a burning sensation. No words are exchanged between the two yet the touch is so familiar. His body recognizes this fiery spark before. Only one person is able to cause this reaction with the slightest contact. He brushes the idea away. As he’s having an internal conflict in his head, he feels the presence of the person go behind him. As he hears the soft breathing, his heart begins to beat out of his chest. Then he feels the fingers untangle the knot of the fabric that’s blocking his vision. Now that he’s able to see, he begins to take in his unfamiliar surroundings. Then a slim tall figure begins to block his field of vision. As his eyes began to slowing travel up the figure’s frame, he realizes that it’s her. He feels all the blood in his body rushing into his face. Worrying about her safety, he tells her to run far from here. She stands there quietly and studying him as he’s panicking and mumbling a million words per second. The fresh blood dripping from her hand captured his attention immediately. He realize she was the one causing the chaos.
A booming car horn burst into his ears. The repetitive sound made his ears ring. Unable to open his eyes. Unaware of what’s happening, the fogginess in his brain seems to clear up. His hands manage to end the pesky car horn by the touch of the snooze button on the alarm. Taking deep breaths in and out. The tension that was building up in his shoulders slowly goes away. He relaxes into the soft silky sheets, He’s unable to escape the sweet warmth of his blankets but has to. It’s time to abandon the warmth of home and venture off into the cold winter of the world. His mind begins to wonder where she is. His mind is so occupied with her. She was completely taking over his mind. As he piles the multiple layers of clothing before leaving, he keeps thinking about finding her. The nervousness led him to bite his nails to the raw flesh. He enters into the chilling winter as the icy wind stings when it comes in contact with his skin. Walking through the crowd streets of New York wouldn’t distract him from his main objective. In a matter of seconds, she invades his mind like a cancer. Each step he takes becomes each step closer to her. The thought of her was making him ache. The harsh frigid winter couldn’t cool down the scorching anger inside of him. He’s here. He knows it’s time to end it once and for all. He keeps thinking to himself “She can’t kill me… She can’t”. He enters her apartment and doesn’t bother removing the excessive clothing. He knows she’s asleep as he examines the untouched living room around. As he enters her room, he sees the slim pale body wrap up in the green comforters of her bed. He carefully examines her as the last tiny breaths escape her body. Knowing that soon she’ll wake up, he patiently waits for her. Then her soft hazel eyes flutter open and she slowly wakes from her doze. His presences startles her immediately. Her eyes fill with concern while his eyes fill with rage. As the word “baby” slips out of her mouth, he softly puts his finger over her lips. He deeply looks into her eyes and says “We both know I have to do this”. His hand travels to her face and he gently cups her face. Then in a blink of an eye, he snaps her neck. Her body falls into the bed. He sits back down and watches her lifeless body lay there. The heart that once beat for him was no longer beating. He looks down at his hands and realizes those hands killed the love of his life. Now his pure hands are stained with sin.

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