Everlasting Love | Teen Ink

Everlasting Love

October 6, 2015
By Asmadasahatter3 BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
Asmadasahatter3 BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Laughter filled the table that was seated in the corner of the dimly lit bar. It was in the early evening and the room was starting to fill up with business men and women just getting off work and ready to welcome the weekend with a drink.
“Nah, nah, nah. I kid, I kid,” said Jimmy through his tears, “she was a nice girl.”
“Just not quite right in the head!” cried Liam, already on his third pint of beer. Again, everyone laughed.
“Well, we can’t all be as lucky as you, Patterson,” Jimmy responded as the laughter died, “How many years now? Six?”
“Seven. And if you ask me it’s been seven years too many. But I can’t seem to get rid of her!” The half drunken men roared once more. Gasping for air, Liam looked over at the quiet man just at the end of the table and addressed him, “What about you, Jacobs? You got anyone?”
Aaron looked down with a shy smile on his face. He was the youngest at the table and new to the company. This was the first time he was invited out with the others. His overgrown brown hair touched the top of his glasses and he was very small in stature. “Yeah, I got a girl,” he said. Those around him made several noises of approval and urged him to tell more. “I, um, I actually just got a ring.” The table exploded into hoots and shouts and the young man was given pats on the back and playful punches
“Well any plans on how’re gonna do it?” Jimmy’s words were starting to slur together. Aaron timidly shook his head.
“Well, young one, it’s very very important,” said Liam, “My wife made me do it twice ‘cause she didn’t like the way I was dressed the first time.”
“And how was that?” asked Jimmy
“That’s just it. I wasn’t!” The table exploded into more drunken laughter. “But seriously,” Liam said as things quieted down, “it’s a big deal, it needs to be special.”
Aaron loved the sound of the wet pavement crunching beneath his feet as he walked alone through the dark and empty streets on his way home. Everyone else was right. Sherry was the only thing in the world to him. They were meant to be together, and asking her to belong to him forever was a huge deal. Everything had to be perfect for her, because as she was perfect; as perfect as the day he met her.
It was three years ago and he was in the university’s courtyard silently studying on a bench; looking up every once in a while to watch the people around him conversing and enjoying the beautiful day. Sherry was hanging out with several of her friends when a rogue Frisbee hit him in the head.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” she said as she rushed over to him. Aaron only slightly nodded as he gawked at the beautiful girl in front of him, with her soft brown hair and kind hazel eyes. “Good.” she blushed, “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
Aaron smiled at the memory later that night as he looked over at the sleeping figure of Sherry in the bed next to him. He loved to watch her sleep, her body rising and falling with each of her soft breaths. He didn’t want to wake her up, but stroked her forehead anyway. She made a small mumble but didn’t wake. He couldn’t wait to make her his, but he had to bide his time until he could propose properly. The sun was starting to rise. He wanted to leave before she woke up, so as to not bother her.
That Monday at the office Aaron was quietly muttering to himself at his desk. Noticing his struggle, Liam walked over to him.
“Everything okay?” he asked. Aaron timidly nodded his head without looking up from his computer. “Aw, come on, ya know that’s not true. Let me guess, you’re stressing over proposing aren’t you?” Again Aaron nodded his head. Liam sat down on Aaron’s desk corner, “Well, I like you kid. Maybe I can help. Tell me about her. “
“Well,” Aaron said quietly, still looking down, “we met in college. She’s all I ever think about.”
“That’s sweet. What are some of her favorite things?”
Aaron pushed up his glasses, “She loves boat rides. And vanilla ice cream. She eats it every Friday even though she’s on a diet.”
“Well then,” said Liam, “You take her out for ice cream and on a boat ride and then pop the question on the water. It’s perfect!”
“I don’t know…”
“Come on! It’ll be great! Let me know how it goes,” Liam said as he left.
Aaron decided to follow his coworker’s advice. He was still not too sure about it though. Something didn’t feel right. Oh well, he’d have to get over it. He would do it that night.
He waited at the edge of the Sherry’s favorite pond. There was an ice cream stand and people could pay for an hours boat ride. The sun was starting to set and the air was cool. It was a beautiful time. Aaron hoped it would become even more beautiful. She would be there soon. He made sure of it.
Just then, he saw her approach. Her brown hair cut just above the shoulders and she was wearing a soft pink sweater that fit her body perfectly. Aaron didn’t think there was anything in the world more beautiful. She was with a friend from work, Tracy. This bothered Aaron. He didn’t trust Tracy. She had been taking advantage of Sherry’s generosity for years by borrowing money and never returning it. It wouldn’t matter, though, soon Sherry would be his and his alone.
He was all ready to approach her when Tracy saw him. She screamed. She screamed and pointed to him. Sherry saw him too. A look of absolute fear engulfed her face.
“No! Get away from me!” She screamed, “I told you to get away from me! I’ll call the police! You’re not supposed to come near me!”
“But…” Aaron stammered. She screamed again and began to run. He went after her. He didn’t think she should run. It wasn’t right. They belonged together. He knew it why didn’t she? He caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. Why didn’t she understand the way he felt for her? He tried so hard to be with her. But she didn’t like it. So she forced him to be sneaky around her. He didn’t want to be. He didn’t want to have to walk two car spaces behind her on their dates. He didn’t want to have to crawl through her window so that they can spend the night together. He wanted them to be together. But she just didn’t understand. She continued to scream and tried to escape. “You. Shouldn’t. Run,” he said through gritted teeth.
Then he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, and he fell to the ground. When he looked up he saw Tracy standing over him with a paddle from one of the boats. “Get out of here you creep!” she breathed heavily. “I already called the cops! What part of restraining order don’t you understand?!”
Aaron weakly got up and ran. He didn’t want to. He wanted to stay with Sherry, but he couldn’t get arrested for spending time with her again. So he ran. He ran all the way back home where he crashed on his floor in tears.
The next day at the office Liam and a few others came up to him.
“So how’d it go?” Liam asked.
Arron sighed and looked down. “She didn’t say yes.”
The area filled with “Awws” and “I’m Sorrys” and Aaron was given hugs and pats on the back.
“Don’t worry,” he said, “She just wasn’t ready. One day she will be. One day she will be mine.”

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