The Curse Forest | Teen Ink

The Curse Forest

October 8, 2015
By SpencerWagers BRONZE, Keller, Texas
SpencerWagers BRONZE, Keller, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Somewhere in the forest, at night have no clue where I am. I’m left with a flashlight, it was flickering on and off. It was really hard to see. Then something weird happened. My eyes was starting stating to static like the t.v. and I could hear it,too. So I kept on going until I find something else. Then I find this note saying ‘THIS FOREST IS CURSE,YOU MUST LEAVE OR YOU ARE GOING TO DIE…… BEWARE!!!” I’m starting to get shaky and I must find the exit! I was not here before I was at home sleeping,but not in the middle of the forest. I just wanted to go home. I’m so tired.
             After awhile of walking and finding clues, there was this house and it was a creepy looking cabin and I enter it anyway,though. The cabin was empty except the basement. Notes everywhere and blood,not much but they were on the wall. Pretty much the cabin was the monsters house because of the blood. Somewhere out loose in the woods.. I know I’m close because the house is close to the exit,maybe.
      All of the sudden, this loud screech,hurting my ears and my eyes were doing the static but this time it was worse, it was near by…. The monster.
I ran outside of the cabin and run away from it,finding a hiding place. Then i saw something like a person in a suit but didn’t have a  face and i didn’t stop cause I know it was him. Nobody dress nice in the woods,standing around and something. Finally… The exit, I ran as fast as I can. The sun is rising. Finally, made it to the exit. I knew the monster was gone cause they can’t go in the sun. I went home and got some sleep and couldn’t  sleep  cause i got nightmare from that forest.

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