It's Him | Teen Ink

It's Him

October 8, 2015
By taylambiase BRONZE, Milford, Connecticut
taylambiase BRONZE, Milford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Starve your distractions, feed your focus."

I remember the first day I saw him. He didn’t stand out in a crowd or wear anything out of the ordinary.  He was the type of different that no one could see just by looking at him. If you saw him anywhere in public, you would just assume he was any random guy; but I knew that he was different. He was different than any other guy I had met before and oddly enough that is what I liked about him. No one would notice him leaving the house at ungodly hours in the night and getting back just before the sun would rise in the morning. Not even his mother noticed.  Not one person noticed, but me. 
There was something about him that drew me to him, wanting to know the mysteries that laid in only his thoughts. Seeing his deep ocean blue eyes I could see he was different. I found myself hypnotized by them. His eyes could tell a thousand words, which was a lot more than he ever could. No one else seemed to notice, but I saw loneliness in his eyes and I wanted to be the person to change that. I could never get the courage to ask him where he was going, but on that night when I saw him making his way out of the window something in me made me follow him.
I’m not usually the type of person to do something like this. You know? The whole sneaking out of my window to go after someone sort of thing. I didn’t even know why I thought it was a good idea, but I kept going. I followed him along the road with the frigid air nipping at my skin. I saw him as a mystery; a mystery that I felt an overwhelming desire to solve.
After what felt like forever, he took an abrupt stop in front of a house. He stood there looking at it for a moment, as if he was taking in the beauty of a breathtaking image before him, but it wasn’t beautiful at all. The paint was weathered and peeling off in spots, and the shutters on the upstairs windows were mostly broken out. A slight breeze made the shutters tap against the shingles. The moon illuminated the two windows facing him; they looked like dim red eyes. The garden was overgrown; sickly green weeds were creeping over the path. I could hear a low moaning sound, perhaps nothing more than the wind blowing down the lopsided chimney.
He began taking confident and swift steps again, almost like he had done it a million times before. He kept walking straight up to the slanted stairs of the deck and then looked around him once more before entering the house. I followed close behind, anticipating every step I would take before me.
Once I entered the house, there was a sense of overwhelming sadness and dread. The room seemed to take on a life of its own. There was no light, only a small crack of a street light trickled in from a boarded up window. The floorboards were old and squeaked every time I walked, at every step I  took I thought someone was behind me, and I turned around, becoming  paranoid and couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched. The closets and cupboards were shut tight, looking like they will swing open any moment. I started breathing heavily, getting more terrified by the second. The darkness overwhelmed me. Every thought in my mind raced and I couldn’t breathe. I searched for any glimpse of my intriguer, but he was nowhere to be seen.
  I slowly tiptoed across the untouched floor and slid my fingers around the corner of a wall leading to a hallway. Light flooded through the bottom of a slightly opened door and every bone in my body told me not to move forward, but my desire to pry got the better of me. As I moved closer I heard a pain wrenching moan. I grabbed the rusty door knob only to feel it wobble under my clammy hand. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. A rush of cold air came out of the door as it touched the other side of the wall. The stale smell of a house that had long been abandoned filled my nose. The light from the newly opened door burned my eyes as I heard the moan once again. I stepped down the stairs just enough, so that I could peer through the opening between the stairs and wall.
There he was, but this time he was not alone. A man sat across from him, but you could tell it was not by his own will. His wrists were red from the rope tightly wrapped around them, attaching them to the metal chair and his mouth was taped shut.  I breathed heavy, regretting every move I had made tonight.
“I said be quiet!” he wailed as he picked up a knife off the table next to him.
  He fluently flipped the knife around so it faced the knee of the man in front of him. He gripped the handle so hard that his knuckles turned white and a devilish smile slid across his mouth as he plunged it into the man’s flesh as hard as he could. Pain rushed into the man’s eye as he tried to keep quiet. My jaw dropped and I tried to yell, speak even, but all that came out was a gasp of hot air and his head darted into my direction. I couldn’t breathe, my whole body was stiff, and suddenly the lights went out.  `
The air in the room became suddenly cold. I listened, just listened for even the littlest sound. The room was quiet, too quiet and suddenly I heard something move next to me. I couldn’t tell if this was my mind going crazy or if it was real, but suddenly I got the evidence I needed. I turned my head and his face glowed from the reflection of the moon; he had a sly smile on his face. Thick blue veins swelled through his wax paper skin. His hair rippled in dark thick waves. The strands resembled the black of night. Just looking at him gave me goose bumps. Our eyes met and there was no longer love in them. His eyes always had this intense passion within them, but I guess that it wasn’t the same passion that I had for him because this time when he looked at me, his eyes only told me one thing, run. In that moment, I knew my curiosity had blinded my good judgment; this bad decision would forever result in my endangerment.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my love for mysteries and romances; it's a perfect little combination of the two. Also, I really wanted to make it thought provoking and make it a mystery where the reader creates their own ending.

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