Halloween | Teen Ink


October 14, 2015
By jaelynmiller BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
jaelynmiller BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Macy was pacing home forgetting about everything because something weird happened to her at Lincoln high school. Her, and her friends wanted to eat outside, because it was a gorgeous fall day. It was Thursday, the day before Halloween. The next day was the anniversary of her father’s death; she was not looking forward to it. Anyways, Macy, Claire, Nathan, Will, and Meg went outside to talk about the plans for the next day. Nathan always has a huge Halloween party where everyone dresses up. Everyone was off topic and Macy didn’t even care anymore, she just wanted to eat. She was thinking about how much she missed her dad, but she realized she didn’t have time to think about it, she had to think about the party.
“Mace!” Nathan shouted.
“What? Yeah?” She said confusedly.
“Who’s that guy on the road waving to you?” Nathan asked.
Macy turned around quickly and saw a guy in all black turn around and started walking away.
“Whoa, creepy” Macy stuttered.
“He probably wasn’t even waving to you, or it’s just a Halloween prank...” Claire was trying to make Macey feel better.
“Yeah, probably even though I don’t know anyone outside of high school other than family.” Macy said.
Everyone went about their day like nothing happened, but Macy was still creeped out. Soon as school came to an end it was a tradition Meg and Claire stay the night with Macy the day before Halloween, so they went outside waiting for Macy to show up so they could all walk together to Macys. About 10 minutes went by, and Macy still wasn’t with them and Claire got worried so called Macy.
“No answer” Claire said rudely.
“Let’s just walk to her place to see if she just forgot” Meg suggested.
Meg and Claire rushed to Macys and rang the doorbell. Macy jolted the door open.
“Oh my gosh I seriously forgot that we were walking to my house after school! I’m seriously so sorry.” Macy said very apologetic.
Claire with such sarcasm said “Yeah you should’ve, because we’ve been doing for the past 5 years.”
“Hey, I said I’m sorry. Come inside.” Macy exclaimed.
They all went inside and went straight for the kitchen. Meg opened the fridge and all the cabinets just to see what Macy had. She had always made herself at home wherever she was and didn’t even feel awkward or weird doing it. Meg snatched some Flaming Hot Cheetos and started scarfing them down.
With her mouthful Meg said “Hey what we doin’ tonight?” She was such a slob at times, and could make a pig look clean.
“Probably going to the mall when my mom gets home, then rent a movie, and order some pizza.” Macy responded.
“Cool cool.” Claire said with no emotion.
They all sat in the kitchen and were chit-chatting away waiting for Macy’s mom to be home. Once Macy’s mom arrived they all got in the dinged up, blue, Honda, minivan, and headed to the mall. When they got there they went straight to party central, because they have sections for every holiday. It was a dress up Halloween party so they all had to find the perfect costume. Meg and Macy loved creepy stuff, but Claire was very girly, so Claire got on a wedding dress for her costume. Meg and Macy wanted something creepy, so Meg got a white robe, a knife hat, and some fake blood. Macy got a scary mask that looked like a doll smiling, and she was just going to wear a dress with it. Once they got everything they just went around window shopping until Macy’s mom was done picking out her little brothers costume, and they headed home.
“You ready to order pizza guys?” Macy asked when they got home.
“You bet!” Meg and Claire said at the same time.
While they waited for their Papa John’s pizza to arrive they changed into comfy clothes and picked out a scary movie on Netflix; even though Claire hates them. Finally the pizza got there and they stuffed their faces.
The next day rolls around they were all so excited for it to be Friday and Halloween. Macy’s mom picked them up breakfast and took them to school. It seemed like the day went so fast, because they were so excited. Each of them went to their own houses to get ready, but Meg’s mom picked Macy and Claire up because their houses were on the way to Nathan’s.
When they arrived to Nathan’s it looked like it was going be Project X. There were cups everywhere, cans, toilet paper, and there were almost 200 people!
“This year is going to be better than ever!” Meg shouted
They walked up to the door with Meg’s mom speeding off in the back. They didn’t even need to knock to go in, the door was already open. They finally found Nathan and Will  standing out by the pool talking to some random people they’ve never even met.
“Hey guys” Nathan shouted over the loud music and talking.
“Hey.” The girls shouted back.
“Isn’t this great, my parents finally let me have a party without them here!” Nathan almost started jumping with joy.
“Well I could see why they would want to be here when you have a party.” Claire said sarcastically.
“Oh shut up.” With the same tone Nathan said to Claire.
“Do you even know any of these people here?” Macy was starting to get nervous because of what happened the day before at school.
“Well, you guys.” Nathan scratched his head.
They all walked over to the food and drink bar that just had soda, punch with spiders, and chips. They munched for a little bit not paying much attention to anyone coming in or out of Nathans house. Macy and Meg decided they wanted to chill out inside for a little bit and watch some tv because everyone was being rambunctious outside. As soon as they get inside Macy got a creepy text.
“I wouldn’t.” From a blocked number.
She ignored it because it was probably Nathan because he got mad at her for ngoing inside. Meg turned on the tv and Macy got another.
“I said don’t” From the blocked number.
“Come look at this Meg!” Macy said very terse.
“Maybe we should go outs-” Meg could barely say.
There was someone standing behind Macy in the exact same mask just with a knife in their hand. Macy turned around sharply and was panicked and confused. She jumped and they ran to the door!
“It won’t open, it won’t open!” Meg shouted
The person in the mask was coming closer and time was running out. They quickly ran to the bathroom door, but it was locked too. They found a door and thankfully it was unlocked. They ran down the wobbly steps tripping over each other. Once they got to the bottom of the steps it was black, but they saw a little bit of light coming from the corner, so they quickly ran over to it and pushed.
“It’s a door! It’s a door!” Macy repeated.
They ran to the back and everyone was still there dancing and having a good time, little did they know what was going on. Meg and Macy were walking over to Nathan and saw the guy in the mask again.
“Nathan! Run!” The girls shouted.
Nathan didn’t run, but they guy in the mask did.

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