The Mystery Of The Dead Wedding Band | Teen Ink

The Mystery Of The Dead Wedding Band

October 29, 2015
By Sierra19 BRONZE, Tully, New York
Sierra19 BRONZE, Tully, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Mystery of the Dead Wedding Band
A Mystery Death
The silence of night was brutally interrupted by the piercing scream of a woman around 1 o’clock in the morning.  Neighbors were abruptly awoken and frightened by the sound. Nearby neighbors raced to the source of the sound, a small white house. When they were finally able to knock down the front door, they were greeted by a scene from a nightmare. Eighteen year old Amber Bree was holding on to her dear mother, but Mrs. Bree was gushing blood from her chest. Next to the two was a kitchen knife coated in blood. The police were quickly notified by the neighbors while Amber was sobbing over her mother's body. Upon arriving the police took Amber under arrest because she was the only one home with her mother, and there were no signs of anyone else possibly sneaking into the house. Amber begged to be able to bring one thing with her, her mother's wedding ring. Reluctant to agree, the police allowed her to take it, and as Amber bent down to get the ring from her mother's hand, she realized its absence. She shared this with the police who grumbled about annoying, irresponsible teenagers, and told her just to come with them until the case was solved by a detective.
Arriving home late from work, I quickly got ready for bed after completing my homework. “Goodnight Mother!” I told her as I passed her room.  “Goodnight, Darling!” I had been fast asleep until I heard a noise, mother was walking down the stairs. Thinking nothing of it I tried to go back asleep. Fifteen minutes passed by, with no sign of her coming back upstairs. I went downstairs, and that was when the scream was let out. Our panicked neighbors came and found me holding mother to me. “I don't know what to do! It was all my fault,” I screamed and sobbed, just wanting mother to wake up and laugh saying it was all a joke. The neighbors just looked at me with wide, scared eyes. One managed to call an ambulance and the police. Good, they will know what to do. When they arrived, the nurses pronounced that mother was dead. Almost immediately, the police arrested me, and I made a simple request, to take mother’s wedding ring. Thankfully they allowed me to do so, but that’s when I found out the ring was not there. I told the police, and they just grumbled at me and forced me to leave without it. They do not understand; that ring was the most important thing to mother, and yet I myself  never understood why it held so much value to her.
A Chance Of Freedom
The group arrived at the police station, and the police sent Amber into a temporary cell. The feeling of guilt for this girl not being able to have a future surrounded the police and made them want to give her a chance. They asked Amber if she would like to have a detective try to prove her innocent; the only catch, they got to choose the detective. Immediately Amber agreed because there could be no problem with at least trying.
Detective Carson, a man in his early forties, arrived at the station.  He strolled in with arrogance and power. Dark brown hair and striking blue eyes, anyone could have fallen for his charming looks.  He is led to the cell where Amber was and introduced himself to her. He seemed to refuse to focus his attention on her. After their brief meeting and a promise to do his best, Detective Carson left the station in a rush to start on the case.
This weird man appeared in front of my cell, but he introduced himself as Detective Carson. Hm, I do not think I should bestow my trust in him. He had a glint in his eye and kept looking around, yet he never focused on me. It was almost like he was nervous or on edge, which I can not understand why he would have felt like that. I thought that I might have met him somewhere before because he seemed oddly familiar. Deciding not to let my mind wander, I fell asleep on the hard bench in the cell. I dearly hoped that tomorrow would turn out to be a better day.
Detective Carson
I strolled out of the cell. Silly girl, why would I ever help her? She has much to discover, but I hoped that she never would be able to. She looked just like her mother.  If Mrs. Bree had been cooperative, none of this would have had to happen. Now her child has suffered for her defiance. No one has the knowledge of the truth besides  me.
I entered the crime scene, the little white house, and started to search for clues. In the middle of the kitchen was the bloody knife with a pool of blood next to it. On closer examination of the knife I could see fresh fingerprints. I took out fingerprint powder, blew it on the knife and examined it. Compared to Amber’s fingerprints they matched up perfectly. Then I checked for other fingerprints of the knife. None, which was great news for me. Now, all that the police needed to know is that Amber and her mother were having a little ‘argument.’ Smirking to myself, I left the house and went back to the police station.
Proven Guilty
Detective Carson arrived back at the police station late that afternoon. He announced that Amber was indeed guilty, and that there was nothing else that he could do to help her. The evidence given was Amber’s fresh fingerprints on the knife and the supposed argument between her mother and herself. Amber argued and told them that she had made food before going asleep and that she had no argument with her mother. No one believed her, so she was sentenced guilty unless someone could convince the police that she was innocent. Detective Carson gave Amber a look of guilt and asked to speak with her privately before she got sent to jail. His request granted he led Amber away from the others.
Why does this have to had happened to me? This man was a liar! I could never do something so vile to anyone, let alone my own mother. No one believed me, I have to solve this myself. Oh, mother, I will avenge your unruly death.
Detective Carson gave me a look of guilt. He tried to play the innocent act on me! I believed none of the words that came out of his snide mouth. He wanted to talk with me privately; I would not do it voluntarily, but I did not have much of a choice. Detective Carson led me to a private corner of the police station. He leaned down and whispered roughly into my ear,
“Listen here, Amber, you listen to the officers. You deserved everything that has happened to you.”
“I have not done anything, Sir. I would never kill my own mother. I loved her dearly”
“All the evidence led to you, Amber. Accept your punishment for your actions.”
“Stop lying! I did not do it. I am innocent! I will not take charge of actions that were not my own.”
“You are the one lying, child! No one else could have done it.”
By now he was right in my face. I noticed a chain around his neck. While he was screaming the necklace jiggled out. On the chain was mother’s ring! Why would he have it? Unless…
“You are the guilty one! That ring on your chain was my mothers! No wonder I was unable to find it on her hand.”
Detective Carson noticed that he was caught and quickly tried to tuck away the ring and chain behind his shirt.
“You will do everything I say, or you will end up dead as well. You have imagined things, Amber. I think the pressure and guilt has gotten to your head. Let me call the officers back, and they will help you.” He called them, and they quickly arrived to his side.
“No, no! I have done nothing! Check his neck! He has mother’s wedding ring on a chain! Grab it and I shall explain.”
The Verdict
Detective Carson was asked to remove his jacket so they could see if he was wearing a chain. There was one around his neck which they removed to be examined. Amber was asked to examine it and prove it was her mother’s. Amber told the officers that it was indeed her mother’s. She showed them the inside of the wedding ring. inscribed on the inside was the name Pandora Luna Bree, which was Mrs. Bree’s full name. The police continue to question Amber,
“Why were there no fingerprints of Detective Carson on the knife? Why were your fingerprints on the knife instead?”
“Simple, he used gloves to cover his fingerprints, and I told you before, I made myself some food before going to sleep”
“Your argument with your mother?”
“There was none.”
“What about your scream that it was all your fault?”
“It was the distress of her death which caused the scream. I felt as though it had been my fault for not checking on her earlier and that I might have been able to have stopped her death,” Amber told them.
“Amber you are now innocent, as for you Detective Carson, you are under arrest for killing Mrs. Bree, framing Amber, and lying to the police. You have the right to remain silent,’” the Chief Officer announced to them.
“So, Amber, how did you learn all of this?”
“I wanted to become a detective myself. I have read many cases and gained knowledge from those.” I turned toward Detective Carson as he was handcuffed,“Why did you do it?”
“No reason, it is not your business anyway.”
“All criminals had a reason behind their crimes.”
“Fine. I was madly in love with your mother when we were children. Then one day she had moved away with her family. She got married to Mr. James Bree and had you. I discovered your family three years ago and was able to track you. Who did you think shot your father two years ago downtown? I was enraged when she still would not pay attention to me after his death. My anger had got the best of me and I had plotted a death arrangement for her. That was where you came in. I was suppose to be the innocent one until you discovered the truth!” Detective Carson admits to Amber and the police.
Detective Carson was hauled away by the police officers and I was led outside. I shook hands with the Chief Officer. “In the future, Amber, if you ever want a job here as a detective let me know, and I will hook you up,” with a smile and goodbye the Chief Officer then left. “Thank you, Chief. Goodbye.” In the near future, I did become a Detective for our town, and I solved many more mysteries.

The author's comments:

Our English assignment to wrap up our mystery unit was to write our own 5 to 6 page mystery story. After recieving back our stories, my teacher thought it would be a great opportunity to submit our hardwork to a contest. 

 I wanted my story to be different from classmates, so I reversed the plot. Why not make the detective guilty and the "criminal" innocent? This has been my favorite story to write and I hope others will enjoy it as well. 

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