Pizza Delivery | Teen Ink

Pizza Delivery

October 29, 2015
By xxjoannaxx10 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
xxjoannaxx10 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was a little more than the average teenage boy. The tall, dark, and handsome type one might say. His charm and smooth voice made it hard for others not to like him. He was just a player.  It was the way he presented himself with those baby blue eyes, the dark shiny hair, and the big smile with the perfectly straight pearly whites that made the girls, and the other more athletic boys adore him. He was everything a teenage boy aspired to be. He was the star of all sports, captain of the football team, in all of the school clubs, and even top of his class. Hardly anyone did not like him, only the lower class of people due to their jealously of his good looks and charm. He could be c***y at times, making others angry. Thinking he was superior to everyone, he had not a care in the world.
He came from a more luxurious type of family. One where he had all of life’s delicacies handed to him. The things that others could only dream of filled his everyday life. Every night he would go home to a beautiful white house, with walls lined with beautiful Egyptian tapestry. He dined off of high-class china, and slept in a king sized bed filled with many pillows and the warmest wool sheets. He felt as if he had the “perfect life”, like nothing could ever go wrong for him.
When he sat down for dinner at the long hand crafted table covered with a satin table cloth, opposite of his father, who took the lid off of the fresh pork, exclaiming enthusiastically “Son! I think it’s finally time for you to get a job!” his whole world came crashing down on top of him. He thought to himself a job? A job could only mean less practice time. I don’t have time for a job. Staring off into space, the boy had nothing to say. He was deep in thought with sweat pouring down his face and the blank look on his face started to worry his mother who had just walked into the dining room. His father stared back at him.
“Here’s a copy of your schedule for you”, his father said softly, sliding the white paper across the table and right into the boys reach.
He abruptly grabbed the paper and took a quick glance at what he dreaded to even be touching. He saw the name “Johnny Rhodes” scattered throughout the week. Finally coming into reality, he realized his father had already handed in the application, there was no turning back. How could my first day already be tomorrow? I’m not ready! Hurriedly, he stormed out of the dining room, ran up the winding staircase and down the long dark hallway to his room at the other end. He slammed his door shut and flung himself onto his bed, falling into a deep sleep almost instantly.
“Johnny, wake up! I let you miss school today for your big first day of work” he faintly heard as he was opening his tired eyes not to a new morning but an afternoon! He stammered and jumped straight out of bed.
“I hope you know I’m going to be as miserable as I can possibly be today at work, all of the nerdy boys work there and that’s how I know I don’t belong”
She looked at him with furious eyes and said: “Now that’s not a way to make a good first impression. Now go to the pizza shop with a smile on your face and then maybe you will learn to appreciate things in life not being handed straight to you.”
He started to dress himself in the long baggy black pants with a hole already torn in his pocket from being thrown around so much. He grabbed the bright red shirt that said “Paul’s Place” in the upper left hand corner, just above the pocket where his name tag belonged and put it on angrily, and tightening his belt so tight that he could barely breathe. Last, he put on his black non slip shoes that were too big for his feet and began to think to himself Boy oh boy, after tonight I may as well die. This isn’t the life style for me. What could be worse than this?
Arriving at the small little red brick building with green curtains and a huge sign on the front reading  “Paul’s Place”, Johnny walked in silently not talking to anyone. The first person he ran into was Desmond, the tall, awkward, greasy haired boy with his clumsy appearance. Desmond was never a motivational kind of person. He was looked down upon, but always wanted to be the “popular” boy. He never really liked the upper class of jocks and richer kids, since he came from a lower class family in a rickety old house with the small front yard and broken porch in the front. Desmond knew Johnny was coming to work for him for a little over a week and he thought to himself I could finally be superior to Johnny Rhodes. The star football player. Who would have thought this day would come? For Johnny’s first day he would start out as a delivery boy. Running pizza’s all over the little town of Brooksville.
“So how long have you been working here” asked Johnny, who was examining the room where the pizzas would be made.
Replying in a snobby manner, Desmond explained: “About 6 years now. I started to make money for myself young because as you know, people like me don’t get to have things handed to them”.
Immediately Johnny walked away stomping his feet all the way to the next room of the kitchen, where he slides a chair over to wait for a delivery to be ready.
This is going to be the most miserable night of my life he thought.
He took delivery after delivery, hating every minute of it. Desmond made him take the last one of the night.
“Take this one” Desmond stated. “This man gives a really good tip, even though I could use the money, you worked hard tonight and you deserve it.”
“Gee thanks” Johnny said in astonishment. Who knew he was such a nice kid.
Johnny quickly ran out the door and jumped into his little red pizza delivery van to finish off the night, and end it with a good tip. He started the little red car, and drove down the dimly lit street from the street lights just beginning to turn on.
The address he put into the GPS took him to an unfamiliar road. The sky grew darker as he drove down this long, bumpy, shadowy dirt road leading Johnny to nowhere, so he thought.
Finally, Johnny arrived at a strange house. It was surrounded by weeds that were beginning to grow up the walls of the dark black house. A mysterious mist encircled the outside of the house, making the atmosphere chilling. I hope I’m at the right location, thought Johnny. He took a gulp and a deep breath getting ready to walk up the mysterious steps. Each step he took gave a shriek from the old wooden steps. Johnny being the tough guy that he is, rang the doorbell, not only once, but twice.
“Can I help you” said a man’s voice from behind the door.
“I’m here delivering your pepperoni pizza” Johnny started to say as the man opened up the creaking door.
“Come in, please, while I get some cash from my wallet in the kitchen” said the man towering over Johnny.
The man’s face looked almost ghostly with dark circles surrounding his eyes, pale white skin, and nearly bald head.  He was dressed in all black and walked with a mysterious demeanor. His house was filled with black curtains and beautiful black lace wallpaper that was ripped down in certain areas. The high ceilings made the house seem to have a cold breeze flowing through from the high windows no man could possibly reach to stop the draft. Johnny examined the house closely, looking around at every crack in the wall.
Suddenly, Johnny felt a force on the back of his head. He fell to the ground instantly and everything began to go black.
Johnny woke up frozen cold, tied to a chair with a peek of sunshine gleaming through the giant black window decorated with jet black curtains. The room was empty with nothing in it besides Johnny, who was in a chair with ropes wrapped around him.
Johnny began to scream in horror, “Someone please help! Anyone!” Where am I, and what am I doing here? Johnny asked himself. My parents must be so worried; I didn’t come home from my first day of work. But they know where I took the delivery, right? So they must be coming soon! 
Soon, the room began to grow dark, and Johnny began shaking in horror. What is going on? How could nobody be looking for me? He wondered. I’ve never been scared before, what’s wrong with me!
Johnny sat and stared at the dark walls of the cold room. He never thought this would happen to him. He could not sleep, so the morning came and passed once again. And as the night began to grow dark he heard a thump come from the other side of the door. Again, he began to scream “Someone help me!” horrified. The room was as dark as can be but he heard faint footsteps becoming closer, and closer to him. He saw nothing.  But then, when the footsteps stopped, Johnny felt himself become free from the tight ropes that had been wrapped around him for days. He sat silent and terrified wondering what was going to happen next. The footsteps began again but going away from where Johnny was sitting. As he saw the large door open, the light from the lit hallway peeked in. Johnny sprinted to the door! He walked slowly down the hallway toward the room that was bright with flashing lights, he stopped ready to jump but peeking around the corner shocked, he saw his parents, Desmond, and the tall mysterious man waiting for him in the well lit room filled with snacks and drinks.
“What are you all doing here?” asked Johnny in confusion.
“We are all here to teach you a lesson. My son.” Exclaimed his mother, who had the biggest smile on her face.
Mr. Rhodes began to explain “You see Johnny when you start to take everything for granted, you need a lesson to be taught to you. Life isn’t always going to give you lemons. You have to work for what you want. Just because you come from a rich family, doesn’t mean you get to ride through life superior to everyone else with not a care in the world. Maybe now you will learn to look at the little things in a different light, and realize there is more to life than a free ride.”

The author's comments:

i was inspired from my job. i work at a resturant and i feel like it was fun to write about something personal but be able to make it fun!

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