Stalker | Teen Ink


November 15, 2015
By Anonymous

It was Christmas Eve and nobody knew where he was. This man just walked around stalking people in Chicago. People were trying to celebrate and be happy, act like nothing was wrong. For most of them it wasn’t working. After living in a city this large for so many years, Courtney Enole, didn’t know what to do. Her and her husband had just had a baby two days ago. Little did they know their family was being targeted. The stalker was living in the apartment across the street and had a perfect view into their apartment. He was starting to learn their routines  and was thinking about making a move the next day.
Christmas Morning started great. The Enole family was up and getting ready for the family to come over. Little did they know the stalker was packing up his things to move in. Courtney went to take a shower while the ham was cooking. Her husband was on baby duty. He set the baby down to go answer the door. It was his buddy from school. He had not seen him in years, but he learned that he lived next door. He invited him in and invited him to stay for dinner. He hoped it was okay since Courtney also knew him back from school, since he dated her sister.
When Courtney was ready she went down stairs. She was shocked to see their old friend sitting in the living room. She was even more shocked when she found out he moved in across the street, and was now working at her office. Lost in conversation they all forgot about the food in the oven. When the fire alarms started going off they all realized it. They had a screaming baby and burnt food. Courtney started freaking out because the family was supposed to be there in a half an hour.
Next, Courtney and her husband are surprised when their friend pulls a gun out on them. He shoots Courtney’s husband first in front of Courtney and the baby. Then he shoots Courtney. The stalker hears people out in the hallways screaming and running trying to find where the shots came from. He starts to get nervous, but then he realizes that since he is in the apartment he needs to call 911 so they don’t suspect him. As he is dialing 911 there is a knock on the door. Then all of a sudden there is a key inserted and the door opens. He turns to see the shrieking sister of Courtney, standing in the doorway. He runs over and closes the door. He explains to her that he was going to the bathroom, heard the shots and came out here to find this. 
Then, he finishes telling the 911 dispatcher what happened and his location. When the police officers finally show up, the stalker is ready to run. Not only is he nervous about them finding out it was him, but he no longer wants to be here with his ex. She seems glad that he is here as she is crying on his shoulder. The police officers bring in detectives who start bagging the evidence. They also take the two witnesses fingerprints and footprints.
Finally, the detectives take away the body bags and start packing up their stuff. Once they are gone the rest of the family comes up to the apartment. They are all shocked by what happened, and the fact that Haley is holding onto her ex. Haley offers to take the baby, and they all agree. The stalker offers for the whole family to go to dinner with him, and he will buy. They all agree and decide to go to the only restaurant open on Christmas. As they are all eating their wonderful meal at Chicago Cut Steakhouse, they all broke down as that was a place they often ate at as a family.
When, they are done eating their dinner they realize that they have no place to stay. They all had just come in from the airport, and were planning on staying with the Enole’s. The stalker said he had a extra room, so they decided that Haley and the baby should stay there because she knew him more than anyone else in the family. They all squashed in his car so he could drive them to a nearby hotel. Once they had dropped off the rest of the family, they headed back to his place. Haley felt very awkward being here, because the last time she was here was when she broke up with him. It was very awkward for her to be alone with him again.
Next, it was December 26, 2012 and Haley was ready to leave. Unfortunately for her she was there until January 5, 2013. Although her ex was being nice to her, she still didn’t want to be there. He was cooking dinner, and helping with the baby. He was being a better guy than he was when they were together. They hadn’t really talked but she knew they would eventually. The rest of her family had changed their flights so they were leaving in two days. After breakfast she asked if she could borrow his car so she can go to the police station. She knew they had something since she herself was a detective in New York were she lived. He decided he would drive her instead.
When, the finally got to the station the stalker offered to stay in the car with the baby. Haley decided that was okay, and was glad he was being so nice to her. It almost seemed kind a fishy to her though. Her knowing him, and her being the good detective she was she knew there was something up with  him. They more she thought about it the more strange it seemed. She started having flashbacks of that night. He was already in the apartment. He claimed he was in the bathroom, but he kinda looked like he was lying.
Then, when she got inside she told the desk sergeant who she was looking for and she guided her there. Haley was feeling uneasy about letting him stay in the car with the baby, and the detective could tell. She explained what she had thought out to the detective. How she thought it was her ex, and how he was being really nice. How he was already in the apartment but he did call 911. How when she opened the door and screamed that he dropped the phone and ran to shut the door. The detective agreed that he was now a star suspect. He told her that they had run her prints and she was clear. He said that they had found his prints in several places in the apartment, but the bathroom was not one. Hearing that Haley was even more anxious to get back to the car.
Once, she left the police station and started walking back to where the car was she notice that the car was on fire. She started running, and called the detective. Once she go there she saw the baby in the back seat but he was gone. The detective brought his whole team along with a fire extinguisher. The put out the fire, and opened up the door to get the baby out. It was too late. To them it looked as if he had killed her then set the car on fire to hide it. Haley decided that she was no longer here on vacation she was going to start working this case. They collected all the evidence and went back inside.
Now, that Haley was on the case they were sure they were going to be able to catch him. She went back to the old places he liked to go to, the old places he would eat at. She found him at a old dinner they used to eat at together. When they get there they quietly evacuate the area. He surrenders and freely goes back to the station with them. Haley tries to interrogate him, he doesn't give anything up. So they send in the boss. He decides to lawyer up. In Haley’s opinion every person that lawyers up is guilty. After all he was the last person seen with the baby. The last person in that car, and the only person in the apartment.
While, waiting for the lawyer all the detective’s start getting everything ready for court. Haley starts looking through their old cases and comes across something. She notices that this is not the first time a baby has been left in a car, and the car has caught on fire. She continues looking and finds four other cases that this happened in were they never found the killer. Coincidentally they have all been since she broke up with him but not before. She shows the man detective. As a team they all decided that all of these cases are now solved.
In, all of the cases a family member gets killed. They had just had a baby or the baby was under one. They were all committed on a holiday. Another thing Haley noticed was that he moved into the apartments across the street from every family. He also waited just long enough for him to get to know there runtime. The only thing different with this one is she happened to walk in. If she hadn’t walked in chances are they would have never figured out it was him, and another innocent family would have died. Haley is sad that he chose her family but she is glad that they caught him. She was seriously thinking of getting back with him. She was really happy she could help the good detectives of Chicago.
After, the lawyer got there they set the date for court, and finished getting all the documents and evidence ready. As a team they decided  to name him the “Stalker” since he watched the family before finding the best time to commit the crimes. The news came and interviewed Haley for all of her work finding a cereal killer. Who’s last victims were her own family. The whole detective team went out and celebrated for closing five cases in one day, thanks the Haley.
Next, it was Haley’s last day in town and the day they took the “Stalker” to court. Unfortunately Haley couldn’t go to court, she had to pack instead. While she was sitting at the airport waiting for her plane, she got the news. The “Stalker” was found guilty on all counts. She was so happy. She literally started dancing in the middle of the airport. She didn’t care if people were pointing or laughing at her. After having such a horrible vacation this was a good way to end it for her. She boarded her plane and was finally on her way back to New York City.
When, she got back in New York she turned on her phone. She had a message and a  phone call. The message was from the detective saying “U can come work a case with us anytime u want, Thanks again.” Next she listened to the phone call. It was the “Stalker”. He said “I’m really sorry for hurting your family. I just couldn’t handle a life without you. I was hoping that they would never figure out it was me, so you and I could get back together. I’m glad they figured out it was me though because I would have never been able to live with all that guilt for the rest of my life. Thanks for listening and I hope you have a good life. Sorry you have to live it without your sister and niece.” With that she moved on with her life and became the best detective in New York City. She later moved to Chicago to help them solve more of their cold cases. Eventually she had her own team working underneath her, and she was the became the best detective in Chicago.
My story turned out fine I guess, it’s not how I thought it would be. It does sound better than I the way it would have if it was the other way. It was hard for me to get started and to get a topic to write about, but once I got going I didn't stop in tell it was finished. I think next time I will plan it out better, I feel like I don’t always completely stay on topic. I enjoy writing fiction better than writing non-fiction and having to find all the facts. It’s easier to write fiction in my opinion.

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