Woods of the Darkness | Teen Ink

Woods of the Darkness

December 9, 2015
By Anonymous

“She running down the street with cut marks, bleeding, losing balance, and not knowing where the killer was. She is losing her breath. She continuously  screamed for help and nobody could hear her. Crying, she finally found a house that was open that she could go into. She locked the door and ran up the stairs. “I hope I got rid of him.” She thought. Bang! She heard a loud crash from the window as she got up and locked the bedroom door and put a dresser in front of it. She looked around the room, trying to find a weapon to use. She looked in the closet and found a axe. She grabbed it.
The doorknob rattled as the killer was trying to get in. She knew that there wasn’t much time so she opened the window and jumped out and ran again. Usually this town, Mystic Falls, it is quiet but luckily,  there was a car coming. She waved and the car stopped…As soon as the car stopped...Bam! A gunshot and the driver was killed. The shot came out of nowhere. She looked up and there was a sniper that was on the roof, he was trying to hide and try to shoot her but missed. She was in shock. While kicking the driver out of the car, the killer was walking closer to her. She put it in drive and, Crash! The window busted open and she screamed…”

One year later…
School was getting out for the summer and a group of teenages wanted to go camping. It was Johanna, her boyfriend, Bob, Lynn, her boyfriend Cameron, (Johanna’s brother), Michael, and his girlfriend Carmen. They has had this planned out forever now. They want to go and have fun for the summer, instead of staying in Omana, California. “Just two weeks left, guys!” Johanna said, excitedly. Bob wrapped his arms around her. “Calm down , you are getting too excited.” Bob said, sarcastically.  “I have always wanted to go on a trip with all of my friends, though. Ever since the day that…” It got silent. Johanna did not want to remember the day that everything went so terribly wrong for everyone.
A few months earlier…
At that time, Johanna and Michael were together and they were happy.  They were doing everything together. Bob was a well, a complete jackass. He would do the worst things that would make Johanna so angry. She didn’t even want to be in the same room with him.  Michael thought that he would get them to get along just this once. Johanna and Bob were at the hotel by now, and she just got out of the shower and Bob was shirtless. She was just looking and glazing. She walked up to him, feeling his body. Next, she kisses him. She didn’t realize what she was doing…
Present time…
Johanna was at home trying to get things together for the trip when her dad walks in and asks, “What are you doing?” “Okay, so my friends and I are going to a log cabin to spend the spring break!”  Johanna exclaimed. She sat there looked her dad straight in the face and told him that he wasn’t going to stop her. He told her that as long as she is safe, he didn’t care.
Meanwhile, at Carmen’s house, she is getting everything that she needs, makeup, shorts, t-shirts, perfume, etc. Carmen has to have her whole closet with her or else she will go ballistic. “Where are you going this weekend?” Her mom asked curiously. “I am going with the squad to spend the week at the log cabin.” Carmen replied happily. “I thought you were going to help me with the spring break parade?” Her confused mother asked. “Yeah, but we planned this forever ago and now we are finally getting to do it. I am not missing this.” “Okay, okay, have fun but be careful.”  Carmen's dad replied.

So, they had a meeting place that they would all meet and go to the cabin. Once they are on the road, they have the music on and singing alone . They stopped at a gas station to fill up and get some snacks. Johanna went to use the restroom and Crash!!!!! She jumped, scared. “Someone or something is back there,” she thought to herself. She strolled back there slowly, frightened. She turned the corner, and nothing was there. All there is is trees  and a fence. She turned back and went to the restroom. Came out and went back to the truck. She could have sworn that something was there. No she knows that something or someone was back there. Johanna never thought about telling anyone, because who would believe her? They would think that she is crazy.
They finally get to the cabin and it is so peaceful. The scenery is beautiful. Carmen, Michael, Johanna, Bob, Cameron, and Lynn just stood there and just dazed at the sun. Finally, they moved their things into the cabin. The cabin  looks like it hasn’t had anyone in there for a while. They sit there and just looked around. It was quiet and they liked that. Never did they have to deal with the drama of other people. It was just peaceful and happy. There was a lot of space for fun and there was the lake that they could swim in. “So this is how the cabin is going to be set up,” Johanna started. “Bob and I get the front room, Carmen and Michael get the back room, and Cameron and Lynn gets the middle room, okay?” Everyone said, “Yep.”  Everything was going great by this time. Everyone had what they needed. The beds were made up, the clothes were where they could get them, made the cabin look decent enough to live in, and they made sure there was food in there. So they could eat, of course.
They sat around the fire and had s’mores and hot dogs. Johanna turned up the music up. Dancing and prancing around and all of a sudden, BANG!!! They stopped everything, the music, the dancing, and the eating. Nobody knew what it was. Everyone looked at each other. It was dark, it was quiet, and it was strange. Everyone didn’t want to move. “Well, someone has to go look!” exclaimed Lynn. Nobody answered or even acknowledged that she even said a word. “I’ll go look.” Said Johanna. She was the most brave one out of the 3 girls there. “I’ll go with.” added Michael. Johanna told him that she could go by herself, she didn’t need him to go with her. She took a flashlight with her. She walked into the woods and with a nervous look in her eye. She walked deeper in the woods, not knowing what she was looking for. Johanna heard a scream. She ran in the direction that the scream came from. All of a sudden she came across this girl that looked like she just got out of a lake, she looked cold, dirty, and sick. Johanna walked up to her, tapped her shoulder and asked if she was okay. The girl turned around, however she looked gross. The girl had what looked like blood coming out of her eyes and her skin was white as snow, and with cut marks. Honestly, the girl looked dead. The girl looked in Johanna’s eyes and screamed and while she was screaming there was a long black slim that went from her mouth to Johanna’s mouth and then ran away. Johanna was sickened from what just happened. Johanna started to run back to the cabin. Then, THUMP!!! She crashed into the damp ground and she was dead.
Meanwhile, Bob was pacing back and forth, concerned, not knowing where Johanna was got him on the edge of craziness. “She should be back by now!” Exclaimed Bob. Nobody was listening and they really didn’t want to go look for her. They said that if she goes into the woods, she isn’t coming back. They all agreed that if she doesn’t come back in 20 minutes that they would all go look for her. 
What they didn’t know is that she is already dead. About 10 minutes after the incident, they forgot all about Johanna. All but Bob. He told them that he was going out and looking for her. As soon as he open the door... Swishhhh! A blade came across his neck and when he turned around, his head fell to the ground. Lynn, Michael, Cameron, and Carmen all screamed. They had no idea where that came from but they all went into the same bedroom and locked the door, put dressers in front of it, boarded up the window, and there was a shotgun in the case. They all scared and crying because they have never seen a human get killed like that before. In real life, anyway.  Carmen was wondering how long Johanna was dead and she also felt so bad that she wasn’t looking for her. Michael went out to look and see if it was clear. 20 minutes pass and he didn’t come back. Lynn and Cameron was never to be found nobody knows what happened to them. All that was left was Carmen. She got up, which she had the shotgun, she had it loaded. The killer was in the cabin, she knew that. She did not realize that she had the car keys in her pocket. “If only I can get to the car without any noise, the killer does not know that I am here.” She thought to herself. She got up, walked carefully to the door. As she did so, she looked out of the doorway and no sign of the killer. She couldn’t wait any longer, she bolted out the door and into the car. She drove out of the woods… She stopped at the gas station, got gas, and went to the restroom. Carmen was never found again.

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