The Touch Of Fear | Teen Ink

The Touch Of Fear

December 11, 2015
By KL421484 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
KL421484 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The clock strucked one…… Emily heard the chime of the big, old, creepy looking clock. As soon as the chime stopped someone ranged the doorbell, Emily’s face lit up with joy thinking it was her father. She ran as fast as she could down the staircase screaming “Father’s here , Father’s here.” Emily opened the door expecting her father, but instead of her father it was a creepy old man who was covered in all black from head to toe. The creepy old guy asked with a deep scary voice “are you Emily Flynn?” of course Emily didn’t respond because she was scared, she wouldn’t move or speak, so the guy asked again “ I said are you Emily Flynn?” Emily looked up with fear and stuttering she answered “ y-e-s s-i-r” “w-h-o a-r-e y-o-u?” she asked. The old man opened a big black bag and got out a box that said Emily’s name on it he clearly and loudly said “this box is for you and your eyes only, no one else can see it. If it’s seen by someone else it can cause a great damage on you or the world, so be careful where you hide the box.” Emily grabbed the box carefully and looked at it for a couple seconds, when she looked up the old guy was gone the only thing left was a black card that had the name Lucifer.

The next day Emily woke up, she expected the box to be gone, but it wasn’t, it was right where she left it. Emily got up from her bed just looking at the box carefully, but suddenly she heard a loud noise. BOOM she heard it once again (BOOM) she ran downstairs to see what that noise was. She opened the door slowly, the door making a creaking sound (kreeen) she stepped slowly, she asked “who’s there” then suddenly everything went silent like a dark room with nothing or no one in there. Emily asked again “who’s there” and again no response, then suddenly a loud noise came from her room, she ran as fast as she could to see if she could catch that thing or whatever was in her room. Emily rushed in her room and saw a pack of monkey fighting over the box they had given her. She was confused, but then a deep voice came from nowhere and said “if anyone gets ahold of the box you’ll be in great danger” she suddenly ran towards the monkeys and started fighting with them for the box. She pulled, they pulled, then she pulled again and finally the monkeys got tired and threw the box, but the monkeys not only threw the box away they threw it into a giant bag of purple and pink marbles. Emily didn’t want to get in the bag especially because it was going to be hard looking for the box because the box was pink.

The next morning Emily was still sitting there thinking about how she should get the box then she finally jumped in the bag, the bag started closing, it was getting darker and darker. The bag started moving and Emily started screaming for help “HELP!!” “GET ME OUT!” “HELP ME PLEASE!” Emily was scared, but she finally gave up on trying to get help, she waited and waited then suddenly the bag stopped moving, there was a bright light shining down on her, so she decided to try and get it. Emily opened the bag and suddenly “SURPRISE!!” she got scared so she fell down back in the bag and slowly got back up and saw all her friends and family together, she had forgotten it was her 16th birthday. Emily was very confused she thought she was dreaming, she closed her eyes then opened them again and everyone was still there, then a hand reached out to her and guess who it was? it was her father, he helped her out of the bag and started telling her everything they planned just for her. He asked “did you open the box?” she replied “no, i was to scared” “ why don’t you open it” he said, he reached for the box and gave it to her. Emily opened it and it was a cute little puppy, she screamed with joy “ thank you, thank you,” but she started thinking and got the black card out of her pocket and asked her father “who is Lucifer?” “I have no idea, why?” he responded “ he is the guy that gave me this box” she answered. Everyone looked at each other they had no idea who that guy was, her dad started telling her that the guy that was suppose to give her the box was her uncle Joe, then Emily started telling them about the monkeys and other stuffed that happened, but everyone thought she was just imagining things, but till this day no one knows who that guy was and why those monkey were there.

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