Disapperance | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Dylanthehuman BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Dylanthehuman BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I live in a Large city in the middle of a huge country and I have learned that everything can change in a day.
  It has been two months since many vanished into the mist.  In the night almost everyone vanished as if darkness approached by a torch.  No memories left in their wake.
Just after the disappearance no one noticed at first as no one had memories of the lost.  The first day had been very calm as no one realized anything wrong, but there was a sense of uneasiness caused by the empty shops and roads as the wind echoed through the empty cities.  All of the stores were closed and only about Thirty people walked the streets.  Only on the second day did people realize that it was odd to have such a big house to themselves or that no shopkeepers were in the entire city.
At first they tried to call a city meeting but no one could cover the entire city to find the other twenty-eight people could not find each other in the large city.  To get food the small separate groups would just take food from stores. But the food only could last for so long as the groups that made up twenty-seven people in city started running out of food within a few months,and the groups started meeting each other in some of the last stores with food and were joining up.
When the two last groups met up the formed a larger group of twenty-six people.  Dew to the lack of food in the main city everyone had to move to outside the city walls but many people rejected the notion as they did not want to leave the city they grew up in,but in the end they see the logic behind it and join the rest in the trip.  Outside the city they tried to maintain the farms but with them not knowing much about farming they could not produce enough food to please the people.
There are times where the people are not pleased with the rations that were given and have stolen food from others in the night.  This has led to infighting within the group and,high tensions.  Of the twenty-five people some of them resorted to blows and the group begins to split apart as people make alliances within the main group to help each other steal food from the others.  This caused the group to threaten each other with murder and betrayal.
The group of Twenty has broken up; some of them hunt for food, some of them still farm and some of them steal.  The separate factions hate each other and any hostile act or word would set them off to fighting. While some thieves attempting to steal from the hunters they were caught and killed so the rest of the thieves starting to attack the hunters, and at this time the farmers went to attack while they were fighting  amongst each other.  At the end of the bloody and long battle only the farmers were left and they only had four members left. 
The three left struggled to make enough food to support them even though they had the supplies left by the other two factions they could not keep up with the amount they were eating still.  Two of them bickerd as I decided to write down what has occurred,as I do not believe how long we will last and I wish to leave something.  And as there are two of us left, wait…, I thought he was arguing with someone else Also*the pen falls*[][]I live in a Large city in the middle of a huge country and I have learned that everything can change in a day.

  It has been two months since many vanished into the mist.  In the night almost everyone vanished as if darkness approached by a torch.  No memories left in their wake.
Just after the disappearance no one noticed at first as no one had memories of the lost.  The first day had been very calm as no one realized anything wrong, but there was a sense of uneasiness caused by the empty shops and roads as the wind echoed through the empty cities.  All of the stores were closed and only about Thirty people walked the streets.  Only on the second day did people realize that it was odd to have such a big house to themselves or that no shopkeepers were in the entire city.
At first they tried to call a city meeting but no one could cover the entire city to find the other twenty-eight people could not find each other in the large city.  To get food the small separate groups would just take food from stores. But the food only could last for so long as the groups that made up twenty-seven people in city started running out of food within a few months,and the groups started meeting each other in some of the last stores with food and were joining up.
When the two last groups met up the formed a larger group of twenty-six people.  Dew to the lack of food in the main city everyone had to move to outside the city walls but many people rejected the notion as they did not want to leave the city they grew up in,but in the end they see the logic behind it and join the rest in the trip.  Outside the city they tried to maintain the farms but with them not knowing much about farming they could not produce enough food to please the people.
There are times where the people are not pleased with the rations that were given and have stolen food from others in the night.  This has led to infighting within the group and,high tensions.  Of the twenty-five people some of them resorted to blows and the group begins to split apart as people make alliances within the main group to help each other steal food from the others.  This caused the group to threaten each other with murder and betrayal.
The group of Twenty has broken up; some of them hunt for food, some of them still farm and some of them steal.  The separate factions hate each other and any hostile act or word would set them off to fighting. While some thieves attempting to steal from the hunters they were caught and killed so the rest of the thieves starting to attack the hunters, and at this time the farmers went to attack while they were fighting  amongst each other.  At the end of the bloody and long battle only the farmers were left and they only had four members left. 
The three left struggled to make enough food to support them even though they had the supplies left by the other two factions they could not keep up with the amount they were eating still.  Two of them bickerd as I decided to write down what has occurred,as I do not believe how long we will last and I wish to leave something.  And as there are two of us left, wait…, I thought he was arguing with someone else Also


*the pen falls*

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