The Mystery of New Orleans | Teen Ink

The Mystery of New Orleans

December 11, 2015
By RYANDA58 BRONZE, Stockton, California
RYANDA58 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 In the old town New Orleans it was the year of 2006, there was a fifteen year old named Fred Doo Dalafeniey.  Fred just moved to New Orleans from Dallas,Texas. Fred has trouble making new friends since he is super shy. Back in Texas Fred only had three friends. Their names were Darla, Ana, and Peter. They all knew each other since first grade at Commodore Elementary. Ever since Fred moved he and his friends have been miserable. The four kids were in a club called the Mysteries of 212. The reason why it was called that is because they loved mysteries and they were in room 212. When Fred moved to New Orleans, he was very depressed but also excited because he heard that New Orleans is the town of mystery and unknown. Fred loved solving mysteries, but he did not enjoy doing the steps to actually solve the mystery.

One typical day Fred was walking downtown to see if there were any small mysteries. He was walking down Filbert, Welch, March, Carpenter, and Main street. Finally the last street he walked down was Springs Lane. When he walked down that street he saw a retirement home and four cop cars. He was scared to go check out what happened, so he ran away. When Fred was running he ran into a man with a black ski mask and a black jumpsuit. Fred fell and the mysterious man looked down at him, then ran with five cops chasing him. One cop stopped to help Fred up.
The cop asked Fred, “Are you okay sir?”
Fred responded, “Yes, but who was that?”
The cop answered “It was no one.”
Fred said sternly to the cop, “Who was that?”
The cop told Fred “Listen, kid, I am really not supposed to tell you this, but for months there has been a strange man lurking around the retirement homes so finally we did a stakeout to see what the man was doing and there he was breaking down a little hole in the wall as if there were treasure so we caught him and then he saw us so he started running then he jumped into a moving car and we lost him.”
Fred started shaking.
The cop told Fred “Don’t be scared because who ever this guy is we are going to catch him and put him in jail.”
Fred told the cop, “Okay.Well I got to go home.”
The cop responded “ Okay feel better sir.”
So then Fred was walking home with so many questions in his head.
One month later Fred was on his way to Dixon High School. Fred was very nervous he didn't know what to wear. Since Fred was a weirdo at his last school he wanted to have a new image so he went with a pair of grey nike shoes some nice grey joggers and a Seattle Seahawks sweatshirt. Fred thought he looked really nice so now he had to figure out what to do with his hair. He was thinking just to leave it how it was but he wanted to do something special with it so Fred got some gel and made a nice combover. It was already a quarter to nine so Fred got his dark blue jansport backpack and drove to school in his white honda. Fred pulled up to his new school and went to the attendance office to get his schedule. He had Mrs.Bruno geometry for first period, Mr.Terro Art for second period, Mr.Domingo biology for third period, Ms.Wilson English for fourth period, Mr.Welch french for fifth period, and Mrs.Harley sixth period for history. So Fred went walking to Mrs.Bruno’s class and right when he walks in he looks around finds a seat two desks away from the teacher table. When Fred sat down he introduced himself to the guy sitting next to him.
Fred said “Sup I’m Fred.”
The guy said “ Hi I'm Blake.”
Fred said “ So how is this class easy,hard,fun,boring?”
Blake told Fred “This class is very hard yet very fun.”
Fred said “ Cool I'm always up for a challenge.”
Blake responded “Good because you're gonna get a lot of challenges in the class.”
Mrs.Bruno told the class “ So today we have a new student named Fred and he came all the way from Dallas,Texas.”
Some guy in the back interrupted Mrs.Bruno “ He came all the way from Texas to New Orleans that's so dumb dude there is nothing good over here but mysterious people.”
Mrs.Bruno said “Stop trying to make him feel bad Alex.”
Alex said “I am not trying to make him feel bad but it was just a dumb move.”
Fred didn't care what Alex said. One hour went by Fred went to Mr.Terro class next to learn some art. Fred looked around when he entered the classroom and thought
“ This is a strange looking classroom.”
In Mr.Terro classroom there was paintings of eyes everywhere and the walls were plain black like if this was a scary movie.
Fred got in that class and with two more minutes till the bell rings. When Fred was walking to his seat three guys named Tyson,Mason, and Jonah went up to him and told Fred “Listen I know you aren't anything special so don't try to be cool weirdo.”
Fred was wondering what that was all about. So the school day went by and when he is about to get in his car he catches Mason and Tyson following Jonah to the back of school so Fred followed. When Fred got in the back of school he saw something he thought he would never see again; three black jumpsuits and a black ski mask. Right when Fred saw the black jumpsuit and black ski mask he had a flashback of the day he saw the man that bumped into him with cops chasing him. Fred thought to himself “What is going on?”
The three boys dressed up in the black jumpsuits and black ski mask then they jumped into a black man with the license plate of 2LO46G. Fred then followed the van for six miles. The van finally stopped at a old abandoned house on the corner of Maple Street. The three boys got down and Fred followed. When Fred followed them he saw shovels and axes. He was wondering “What if they are the mysterious men?” “ is it possible there can be more than just one man terrorizing New Orleans retirement homes. Tyson, Mason, and Jonah hot in the van again and was leaving to somewhere Fred didn't know. finally they got to the retirement home just like Fred suspected. When Fred saw them bring out axes he called the cops. The cops arrived ten minutes later and only caught Jonah and Mason but Tyson drove off. A week later Fred was at Petco looking for a pet lizard but they didn't have the kind of lizard Fred wanted so he left it was already 8:23 and very dark. Fred was walking to his car and heard a voice behind him say “ You're gonna get it.” Fred got scared so he ran to his car. Fred was looking for his keys but he couldn't find them then he heard someone behind him say
“Looking for these.” Tyson was Holding Fred keys
Fred turned around and saw Tyson.
Tyson told Fred “ I know you're the one who turned in my posse so now you're going to pay.”
Fred asked Tyson “ What do you want with me? I don’t really know you and your already my enemy.”
Tyson told Fred “You know i don’t want anything you got my posse arrested.”
Fred told Tyson sternly “That’s not my fault you were ruining the retirement homes for no reason.”
Tyson shouted at Fred “Stop acting innocent i know why you called the cops on us.”
Fred calmly told Tyson “ I honestly don’t know what your talking about.”
Tyson was getting so mad his face started to turn red.
Tyson exclaimed “ Listen, I know you’re messing around with me. All I’m going to tell you is that you really have no idea who you’re messing with.
Tyson threw the keys on ground. Fred picked them up and Tyson was gone. Two days later Fred was at home while his parents were at work. It was already 11 o'clock and Fred was getting tired. So Freddie went to bed but when he was going upstairs he heard someone in the kitchen. So he grabbed a bat and went back downstairs. When Fred went in the kitchen he saw nothing but the window was open. So then Fred closed the window and went back upstairs on his way up there he heard a scream. Fred was very terrified since he was the only one in the house. Fred went in his room and saw a man in a black ski mask and a black jumpsuit about to jump out of his window. Fred thought to call the cops but he already knew that it was Tyson. Fred went to downstairs to make sure Tyson didn’t steal anything. He looked in the kitchen, living room ,laundry room, the two bathrooms, and the game room. Lastly, Fred checked his parents room, Fred was suspicious that Tyson went in there room because he saw muddy boot prints on the white carpet. At first he thought it was from his dad boot prints since he is a gardener but something was telling him those weren’t his dad boot prints his dad has huge feet but these boot prints were very small. So Fred opened the door and saw writing on the wall saying “MESS WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE BAD THINGS CAN HAPPEN!”
Fred screamed “ Tyson was in my house and wrote on the walls. He thinks he can scare me but I’m serious next time this guy messes with me he won’t know what hit him.”
Fred told himself “ Now look at this mess i have to clean up.”
Fred knew he had to clean the paint off the wall before his parents got home, so he got a couple of sponges and a bucket of soapy water and started cleaning. Thirty minutes went by and he was just cleaning off the n and then suddenly Fred heard someone unlocking his front door. He thought it was Tyson so he grabbed a bat and ran downstairs. He opened the door screaming and waving the bat. He noticed it was his mother and father
Mrs. Dalafeniey sternly told Fred “ What are you doing? You might break something.”
Fred told his mom “ Sorry mom I was just practicing what I would do if someone broke into the      house.”
Mr. Dalafeniey told Fred “ Listen son, you don’t have to worry about that we live in a wonderful neighborhood and we have alarms all over the house.”
Fred told his parents “ I’m sorry I just get scared sometimes.”
Mr. Dalafeniey told Fred in a soft voice “ Okay son it’s getting late you should probably go to bed.”
Fred told his dad “Okay see you in the morning.”       Fred walked slowly upstairs with thoughts in his head like“ What if Tyson painted something else?, Did I finish cleaning in my parents room?, What’s going to happen  if I see Tyson?”
Tyson hopped in his bed and immediately fell asleep.
The next day it was warm and sunny the birds were chirping the flowers were blooming Fred was sound asleep until the sound of his mom yelling “FRED,FRED,FRED” woke him up.
Fred got out of bed and ran to his parents bedroom. Fred got in there and saw the paint on the walls. Fred forgot to wipe off the last letter last night.
Mrs. Dalafeniey sternly told Fred “Why is there paint on my wall?”
Fred was thinking of telling his mom Tyson broke in the house but he knew she would call the cops so Fred lied to her and said “Sorry mom I was painting in here for my art project I didn’t know I would get it on the wall.”
Mr. Dalafeiny told Fred “ Why were you painting in our bedroom you could of went outside or in your bedroom.”
Fred told his parents “ My room was to small and it was cold outside.”
Mrs. Dalafeiny told Fred “ You have five minutes to clean this up and when your done go straight to your room because you’re grounded for two weeks.”
Fred was so mad he was turning red. He didn’t want to argue with his mom so all he said was
“Okay mom.”
His parents angrily walked out the room.
Two days later his mom needed milk eggs so Fred went to the market to buy some.Five minutes went by and Fred passed by the retirement home and saw Tyson there so Fred ran over there and tackled Tyson.
Tyson yelled at Fred “Get off of me you creep.”
Fred yelled back at Tyson “No you messed up my parents bedroom and i had to lie to my parents so now I’m grounded for two weeks.”
Tyson yelled at Fred “ GET OFF ME!”
Fred yelled back at Tyson “ WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!”
Fred said “What is with you and this retirement home.”
Tyson told Fred “ You don't know about Patrick Goldberg money that he left in a wall in 1911. People say it’s a rumor but I know it’s true and I’m serious just wait till I get my hands on that money I’m going to be filthy rich.”
Fred answered “ Yes I have heard about it but it's just a rumor you’re not going to find money.”
Tyson said “ No it's not you’re just trying to get the money before me.”
Fred said “Yes it is Tyson in 2004 a man named Richard Longman, he did the same thing you did and he found no money the only thing he got from ruining the retirement homes was arrested.”
Tyson said “ Stop lying to.”
Tyson got interrupted by the sound of a police siren. A policeman got Tyson and put him in the cop car.
A policeman asked Fred “Are you ok sir.”
Fred answered “Yes sir, but listen all the three boys you got for robbing this retirement home     make sure that they don’t end up as a criminal.”
The cop answered Fred “What do you mean Tyson is the only one that we caught.”
Fred told the cop “ A couple of weeks ago you caught Jonah and Mason and they were in the back of your car.”
The cop was so confused.
The cop said “Sir you need to go lay down you are starting to imagine stuff.”
So then Fred went home with questions but right before he got home he got a little surprise from Jonah and Mason. Fred saw a video of Mason and Jonah on a plane. Five minutes into the video  Fred saw that the plane crashed and all the passengers died including Mason and Jonah. So when he saw that Jonah and Mason died he shouted
“Mason and Jonah are dead and I'm next.”
Fred ran outside and saw a black hole but Fred was running to fast he ran right into the black hole. The year is 2015 it has been eight years since Fred has gone missing or has been dead. People say that Fred ran away for being bullying but no one knows what really happened.The only people that know what really happened is Fred,Jonah,and Mason.

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