Dream or Reality | Teen Ink

Dream or Reality

December 15, 2015
By Suneelatahir123 BRONZE, CHANTILLY, Virginia
Suneelatahir123 BRONZE, CHANTILLY, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"At some point, you have to realize that some people stay in your heart but not in your life"

Emily wake up from a nightmare when she heard the voice  calling her . She soon follow the voice and find out what happened?

Chapter 1: The voice

I had a nightmare. The one I have been having one lately. The one with darkness, the wind, the voice, ghost, blood, note, and a neck ripped opened. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake it off.
“Go away,” I whisper in the darkness.
I glance over at the clock on the bedside table. 12:30, just past midnight. Which is late for a student, late for Monday night.
I told no one about this nightmare, certainly, NOT my parent, but no one else neither, definitely not my friends. Absolutely not.
What happened in the nightmare is something that no one should know.
I frown  at the darkness, something is wrong.  Something is off. I-----
I listen for any kind of voice, but all I hear is the quiet house around me.
And eventually, I realize that something  had woken me up.
I feel a rush of panic, had the dream followed me? Had it somehow stepped out of the nightmare--- and---
“Don’t be stupid,” I tell myself.
There it is again. I swallow.
           It not the wind.  It is definitely a voice, but not of someone I know.I didn’t want to go and look, but at the same time, a part of me want to look more than anything.
            I push back the bed cover, get out of the bed, and walk over to the window. In the pale half-light of the moon I would make out trees. The moon shone---
             It is like a whisper in both my ears. My heart pumps in my chest as if it want to escape from the danger.

Chapter 2: The path

After a moment or two, I took a slow breath and I follow  the voice.. I couldn’t turn on the light because  I feel like death is waiting. Death is sitting there waiting silently for me. I can’t help but be attached to it, like a thread. As if someone is pulling me toward them. I can’t no longer stop my legs. There are moving on their own.

             I turn around and walk through the dark hallway, as I turn around the corner, I feel a shiver down my neck as if someone is behind me. Suddenly I turn around. Nothing was there.
My imagination I thought, nothing else.
Yet I could feel my pulse beating in my ears, blocking all the other sound except the breath that was moving in and out of my mouth.  I had never felt so certain of anything in my life. I could no longer control my hand, they were shaking in an odd trembling way, as the color drained from my face.
What is wrong with me,
           Slowly after step after step. I follow the sound of my name.
I froze, there was some kind of shadow at the end of the hallway. Not a man, maybe a monster, or some kind of ghost. Sweat pour down my body as I tried to stay still as possible. I try not to breath, but I know that was impossible. I was shaking.
Shakely, I took a bat that was lying on the side of the floor. I need a weapon for my safety.
            As I step forward, I feel cold tears start to stream down my face. I  saw it, I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. My leg felt like jelly and I couldn’t move. I felt a lump in my throat. My leg collapsed underneath me. I was shaking violently. I let out a horrible scream.
             A body was lying on the floor. The blood was flowing through the body like a stream to the floor. The person had a pale skin, blue lip, and blood-shot eyes were opened.  What more that was horrified that the person neck  was ripped opened, making a long bloody gash in his neck, making it look like its own river. It drizzled down the neck, before it pooled on the dusty ground like a shining burgundy puddle.
I screamed until my voice was horsed. I was crying, shaking, and trembling with violent. I took a step back as everything start spinning. I look around as everything was beginning consumed by darkness. I stumble and fell on the ground as darkness overtook me.
               I woke up in my bed with my breathing uneven. What happened to me  I though? I couldn't remember anything at all. I look at the clock to see it was 4:45 Am and the date was 04/3/2009. Wait how come the date is wrong. It supposed to be 04/2/2009… why can’t I remember anything.  I don’t remember the last thing I did. Why can’t I remember?

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