Blurred vision | Teen Ink

Blurred vision

December 16, 2015
By Jbiswell BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Jbiswell BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is about a girl who leaves a normal life until she falls asleep. She keeps waking up in places and doesn't remember how she got there. She tries figuring it out. She finds herself blooding and confused when waking. All this because of something in the past.

Chapter 1: It all begins

My name is Jamie, I’m a normal girl, with normal friends. I seem like your basic teenage girl, but there seems to be something strange going on. Up until a week ago everything has been going like anyone’s life would be. About a week ago is when that all went out the window. The day it first happened or when I think it first happened was when I was playing softball with my friends. I was pitching and in mid-throw my vision cuts out. I can’t see; everything is black. I start screaming. All my friends stop and stare, they asked me what was going on.

Chapter 2: Blind

I kept saying, “I can’t see! I can’t see!” Immediately my friend Grace runs over to me and has me sit down and tries giving me some water.
“You are probably dehydrated and are about to faint,” she says staying calm.
I try and take a drink once I do it taste like blood. After that I don’t remember what happened. All I remember was I woke up and I was in my room. So that night I called Grace to see if she brought me home, the answer she gave me didn’t sit well in my stomach.
She told me, “You got up and said you were fine. You were going to go the gas station then go home.”
I pretended like I knew what she was talking about, “Oh right ha ha… I guess I just didn’t remember because I had a crazy dream.”
“Are you okay? You still didn’t look good when you got up to leave.”
“Yeah I feel better, it was just from the heat I guess.”
“Told you, you should’ve drank more water before the game!”
“I will next time, well I got to go. Bye.”
My head started to try and piece what Grace just told me together. I couldn’t recall doing any of that stuff. The next thought I had was that I don’t remember driving! I got up and ran out to my car. It was perfectly okay. Thank God, but I looked in the passenger seat and there was a bloody shirt on the floor. It was my undershirt.. how did it get so bloody?  Something wasn’t adding up. I can’t tell my friends because they would freak out. Can’t tell my parents because they would make me go back to the coo coo house.Side note: Yes I went to a shrink. I’m not crazy or depressed, something happened to me when I was younger that affected my whole family and me. Just know family gatherings are awkward and I rather not have them.

Chapter 3: On my own

Anyway I have to figure this out for myself. Maybe it was a one time thing. Maybe I’m just sick and have delusions. I learned that it is possible for that to happen if the person has a high enough temperature. I went back in the house to go check my temperature. It was normal 98 degrees. I just decided it was a one time thing and went to bed.
As the weeks went on I have been thinking more and more about my past. I’m trying to face fears head on. For, example today in school the school counselor came in and was talking to us about suicide and feeling lost and victims of rape. She was explaining how people that have been raped tend to think it was their fault. They also sometimes take the anger they have toward the rapist out on others, causing a cycle to happen through the system. She also said it was ok to get help and to talk to someone either a stranger like a doctor or a close friend/ relative. All this was connecting with everything in my life. I started thinking it was my fault, because I let it happen theses victims, she talked about were forced the attacker was threatening them.. mine didn’t.
As the week went on my mind went on and on about the past. I wasn’t focusing in school or at softball. Everything didn’t seem to matter to me anymore. My friends described me as showing signs of depression and got worried. I was happy though. Especially after I woke up and couldn’t recall my dreams. But each time I woke up I was in different clothes and my hands were stained red. Also I wouldn’t wake up in the same place. I woke up in the park one night, the next I was in front of a daycare. Nothing added up.
I thought maybe I was sleep walking and need to lock myself in at night. I never told anyone I was waking up in different places. I just would sneak back inside before my parents would wake up. I began to feel more angry and get annoyed with the littlest things. My vision would go in and out more often. I felt like I was losing my mind! What was going on!
One day I was watching the news with my parents and there was a report about a rapist getting out of prison and was getting parole. It didn’t seem to catch my attention until it said the address of where he was living. I knew where it was, but didn’t understand why I focused on it. He didn’t look later that night I went to bed clearing my head from everything that happened, the news report, everything.

Chapter 4: Real or dreamt

suddenly woke up by a male's voice. I tried to jump up, but something was holding me down. I opened my eyes, but I couldn’t see!!! I was not in my own bed anymore. It smelt like sweat. My hands were tied back. I heard his voice right in my ear. That voice.. I’ve heard that voice before.. Who was that? Quickly I started having flashbacks from my past. What my uncle would say in my ear…”Keep quiet. This only hurts at first.. Isn’t this fun?... Don’t tell your parents.”
The man was now saying, “Don’t scream! Keep your voice down.” I immediately knew who it was! I started crying and screaming out for help.
He gripped me tighter, “Isn’t this so much fun, Jamie!? As soon as I saw you in the park that night, killing a man for talking to a little girl earlier that day I knew you needed some attention. I’ll keep you safe. I won’t tell, if you don’t.” My eyes started to come into focus seeing him on top of me laughing. I didn’t understand what he was saying.
“What do you mean? I didn’t kill anyone! You’re lying!” I screamed in his face.
“You have been killing people every night Jamie. Don’t you remember or are you killing in your sleep again?”
I began to become dizzy as my thoughts were flying by me. Was he telling the truth. Did I really kill someone. Is that why blood was on my shirt and hands? What is wrong with me? I’m going to prison. I’m an awful person. Slowly, as he kept talking about what I had done the memories or it all flooded back to me. The past with him, my parents finding out, him going to jail, everything that happened. Now new memories were coming back the ones where I woke up in the park, by the daycare. The ones where I thought I was sleepwalking. I was awake killing people. Not just anyone, ones with a past history of hurting children rapping them. I knew then that he didn’t find me and drag me out here.. I came to him! I wanted to kill him. Revenge for everything he has done! I stopped crying and immediately got pissed off. I threw him off me with my legs. Ripped my hands free and grabbed his pocket knife from the side table. I  thrashed him with it repeatedly until I knew he was dead.
Instead of going to the police or getting help, I went back home, washed off not only his blood but the horrible memories and fell asleep. I stopped sleepwalking and my vision never went out again. I was a normal teenage girl again.

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