Never look back | Teen Ink

Never look back

December 6, 2015
By Lexixoxo29 BRONZE, Sewell, New Jersey
Lexixoxo29 BRONZE, Sewell, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could hear the truck tires rumbling up the road. The feeling of excitement and rebellion was pouring out of me. I rubbed my eyes vigorously. The sun relentlessly beating on my face. I looked over and saw my companion Lizzie. We both knew that we were in for something that we didn't expect. I held my breathe as a car approached us. I finally had the stamina to leap forward as Lizzie called my name and said, "Lex, are you sure about this?" I could tell from her beating glassy eyes that she was all in for what was to come. One thing we both learned was to never look back. So I did exactly what I knew and whipped my head forward. I felt this gust of wind and debris burn my cheeks. I saw Lizzie scurry to the side door of the car and yank the metal door open and quickly hop in. I was quick to follow. I clenched the door with my hand and pulled the door shut. In little to no time I heard the voice of Jake. His hair was shaggy and dark, his voice was as deep as the ocean, and he had a smile that was as sweet as honey. Sitting awkwardly next to Jake was Cody. Cody's hair was not as dark, his voice wasn't as deep, and his smile could be forgotten in a matter of minutes. But one thing was for sure Cody has a personality like no other. Cody is extremely funny and always knows how to brighten up my day. He is also considered one of the craziest seniors in my school. I've known Jake my whole life. He is like a brother to me. As soon as all of the doors were shut, we took off, I felt like were traveling through space. I could feel my self shaking and trembling inside. Lizzie gave me her "Lex, we are going to be killed for this look." But, we were on our way to an unforgettable day, though we didn't know what we were in for yet! We had been gone all day, and the sun started to set. The weatherman predicted that tonight was going to be a full moon, and we all know what full moons symbolize. Lizzie said to me jokingly, "Lex you know what they say about full moons, all the creatures come out out to scare the humans." I started to panic, we were in the dead center of the woods. We weren't in just any woods, we were in the Oakland Woods. These woods are known as the scariest and most dangerous woods in the state of New York. So many thoughts were rushing through my head. Why did Jake and Cody take us here? What do they want with us? As all of this was going on, I thought about the news. There had been eight murder attacks earlier that month, but no one knew who or what was the cause of them. It was just then, when the car came to a screeching halt, that Lizzie said to me, "Lex did you just see what walked in front of our car?" A large, creepy, and dark shadow passed by us. I quickly turned around, there was nothing there. As soon as I turned my head forward, Jake was standing directly in front of me. In a scared, low, and timid voice I said, "What do you want with me Jake?" He replied , "Your special Lex, I think you already know that. Your not like other girls. I took you here because I need you to do something for Cody and I. We have a surprise for you." I shot Lizzie a look, she knew exactly what to do. We both opened the car door and ran as fast as a lion catching it's pray. All of a sudden Jake appeared right in front of my eyes, he popped out of nowhere. I had no idea how he caught up with us so quickly, it was like magic. Jake said, " I brought you here to show you what I really am. The shadow that just passed the car, it was human. But, not just any human, this human is like me. Now its your turn to experience what its like to have power beyond human abilities. You're going to be one of us Lex, you are one of the chosen ones." My head was pounding, I didn't know what to think. Was Jake just messing with me? Maybe he is just crazy and what did he mean when he said that I would be one of "them"? I shut my eyes, then opened them. Jake was gone, and so was Lizzie and Cody. I turned around, and there was Jake. He looked different, I had only seen these types of creatures in movies and tv shows. There he was standing directly in front of me with his huge, sharp, fangs. Jake was a vampire! I kept telling myself vampires don't exist, and what your seeing now is just your imagination. But, this was real! I can't believe what I was seeing, Jake took a step closer to me, I quickly backed up. He said, "Now you know what I am, so let me make you one too."  Now I understand all of it, Jake and Cody were the ones murdering people. They drank blood in order to stay alive, it all makes sense now. I ran for dear life, never stopping once to turn back. Everywhere I turned Jake was there stopping me, he wouldn't let me go. I was scared, confused, and light headed. The next minute I was on the ground. I tripped over a huge branch and scraped both of my knees. I knew this was it, Jake was going to bite me and turn me into a vampire! I closed my eyes for the last time and all I could think about was my friends and family. I recalled all the great memories I had with them, wishing it didn't have to end like this. I could feel Jake's breath on my neck, I knew this was my last moment as a human. As soon as he laid his lips on my neck, someone from behind grabbed me. It was a man, I couldn't tell who it was. I never saw him before in my life. I was so scared that I fainted. The next thing I know, I felt someone poking me, it was my mother. "Lex get up your going to be late for school!" she yelled from downstairs. I didn't know how I got there, but all I know is that this mysterious man saved my life. I had a feeling someone was watching me, he must have known I was in danger. I am so grateful to be home, but now I was confused. Was this all a dream or did this actually happen? I thought to myself, maybe all vampires aren't bad. Maybe there are good ones that protect others from the evil ones. I'm not sure. But all I want to do is thank this man for saving me from becoming a vampire!

The author's comments:

I have always been intersted in becoming a writer. Writing is the one thing that really defines who I am. This shot non- fiction story is about a girl who finds out that her best guy friend is a vampire. I hope you enjoy reading it. 

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