THE DREAM... | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By queen.aliciyanna BRONZE, Stockton, California
queen.aliciyanna BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time  a guy name Carl's Jr.  He had brown hair and hazel eyes.  He also has one birthmark on his left foot, and one scar from a recent motorcycle accident. He is 19 years old and his birthday is on July 19.  He has one sister name Wendy and his dad is name Carl, his mom is name Star. His dad died  2 years ago and they don't know how, all they know is  that someone murdered him.

Carl was born in New York City but he moved to  New Jersey  2 years after his dad died. Sometimes when carl is mad or sad he goes to the cemetery and talks to his dad about how he is feeling.  He always tells his dad how much he loves his sister and he is also so proud to be her brother.  Carl and Wendy are really close but they fight a lot. Carl's worst fear is losing his mom and Wendy just like he lost his dad. He only told this to Donald his best friend  and his sister Wendy. They always fight because Carl is very disrespectful when it comes to wendy's privacy but that's only because he doesn't want anything to happen to his little sister.  Wendy always gets irritated with her brother Carl but she knows he just loves and cares for her but to her all he does is embrrasses her sometimes and she gets mad because he doesn't let her have a boyfriend, let alone talk to boys.One day Carl went out to go buy some milk , so his mom can make breakfast for carl and i. On his way back from the Grocery Store he saw his rivals. Carl was going one way and they were going the other way but the gang stopped and turned around , the light turned red and the gang got off their motorcycles and beat up Jr. and they shoot him in the back of the head and left him on the floor dead. His mom was worried because it only take about fifteen minutes to go to the Grocery Store and back, his mom called him about ten to twenty times and still no answer. Thirty minutes later she sent Wendy out to look for her brother carl .  Her mom said call as soon as you find something out . Also if i call you , you better answer the last thing i need is another one of my kids coming up missing. “I will, mom” Wendy replied. Wendy went to go talk to jack, he works at the cash register at the Grocery Store. Wendy ask have you seen my brother Jr.?  yeah i seen him about an hour ago he came in here to buy some milk he said something about Star making breakfast …. ya said Wendy she is but he never came back with the milk .  Oh no he isn't a bad kid, do you have any idea where he woulda gone ?  no he never tells me anything said Wendy. Oh ok well be careful wendy we don't live in the safest place in town.
Wendy called her mom and said i went to the Grocery Store and talked to jack, what did he say said star. He said he saw Jr. about a hour ago. so nothing helpful considering we already knew that said star….basically Wendy said . Oh my god i hope my baby is ok said Star . He will be fine mom, how do you know because he can handle himself. Just calm down mom everything will be ok…..  i'll keep looking for him , ok said Star and i'll try and call him again .. OH MY GOD MOM!!! said Wendy WHAT WHAT ….WHAT IS IT WENDY???  Joe is in town  said Wendy… who is joe? said Star .. Joe is Ruby's ex boyfriend ! which is Carl's  rival motorcycle gang so when Ruby broke up with joe for carl that didn't make anything better between the two gangs , so ever since joe has wanted to get his revenge. Revenge such as ? Star said . Hurting possibly killing  said wendy OH MY GOD said Star ima call the police and your gonna go talk to ruby ok wendy said. RUBY!! said Wendy . oh hey Wendy , how are you ?  hi and bad . Carl is in trouble and we need to help him. Wait slow down what happen? Earlier carl went to the Grocery Store to buy milk so my mom can make breakfast for him and I and he never came back and i have been running around everywhere looking for him plus i saw joe your ex boyfriend and i know my brother he wouldn't all of a sudden come up missing like this on purpose . Yeah you're right, he wouldn't and i think Joe has something to do with it . I do too replied ruby. when was the last time you  heard from him ruby? wendy said. Sometime yesterday , i haven't heard from him at all today. Wendy called her mom and said” ruby hasn't heard from him since yesterday  .” Star said so she didn't know Joe was in town either? No Wendy said, but mom i bet anything joe did this. Well do you know where he hangs out or where he would leave carl? No mom i never even met him i've just seen him before. Ok well find your brother before something bad happens to your brother carl ! oh god i hope he is ok . He is fine do you know? wendy replied because he is a strong man and he can handle himself so i know he will be ok . I hope you're right Wendy, i just don't want anything to happen to my son . I know you don't and i don't want anything to happen to  my brother.
Later on that day the police call wendy's mom back and said “ we have bad news.”  please tell me something did not happen to my son  she said trying not to cry. I'm sorry but someone has murdered your son. No that can't be him, are you sure it's my son Carl jr lopez. We're  gonna need you to come and identify him. ok i'll  be right there. Wendy's mom calls wendy and tells her “ the police just called me and said they found your brother  but someone murdered him”she said crying. NO YOU'RE LYING!! WHY ARE YOU LYING ?? where are you Wendy? i'm gonna pick you up and we're gonna go to the police station and see if it's  your brother. when they got to the police station they were directed to a room so i can identify carl being dead or not. when they went in the room they saw a body covered up on the table. when they uncovered the body wendy and star saw that is was carl and they both started to cry. Wendy called ruby and told her that the police called her mom and said they found her son but someone had murdered him and they needs us to go to the police station and identify him and we came and it's him she said crying. NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING HE ISNT DEAD , NO IT'S NOT TRUE. I WONT BELIEVE IT !!! said ruby  ( phone hangs up) Mom i'll see you later ima go see ruby. ok said star  Wendy calls ruby ( phone rings) ruby where are you ? im at home wendy . ok is it ok if i can come by because we both need each other. yeah sure ok said ruby i'll be right there ruby ok said ruby ( rings doorbell) hey ruby, hey wendy i need to ask you something? what is it wendy ? do you know where joe is? uhm i know he hangs out at the biker clubhouse said ruby ok thank ruby that's all i needed to know . ( wendy gets up and gives ruby a hug) are you ok ruby? yeah i'll be ok… how about you? how are you doing? i'm not that great considering i just seen my brother dead laying on a table in the police station. i got to go ruby i'll call you later. ok said ruby ( wendy opens the door and leaves) (wendy's phone rings) hello said wendy where are you? said star i'm on my way home said wendy i need to go pick something up and then i'm gonna go do something ok said star be careful wendy!!! where are you mom? i'm with your aunt sid star ok said wendy well i'll see you later, ok said star ( star hangs up) (wendy opens the door and walks in carl's room) and she walks in carl's closet she reaches for the box in the corner and inside the box there was a gun. It was there dads gun . wendy grabs the gun and puts the box on the bed and goes to the biker clubhouse and sees joe outside of the clubhouse and see rolls down the window and shoots joe twice in the shoulder she yells THAT'S FOR MY BROTHER . wendy ….wendy… wendy… wake up ! time for school

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